
The guy who parked in your driveway was a cretin. But you have shown yourself to be a racist in your post. That is worse. BTW, you had every right to get the vehicle towed. What you may not have known is that you had the right to prevent the owner from recovering it, as it was trespassing on your property.


Well I am a guy, so I am not the best judge of this. But I can see why women would think Elba was very sexy. On the other hand, I would have a hard time choosing the sexiest woman alive. There are too many millions of very sexy women out there. Even if you limited the list to Hollywood celebrities, there are many

Yes, he is an a-hole. But the way you wrote about it is racist. That leads me to question whether you really want racism to end, since you are contributing to it. Maybe you would be out of a job if it did.

The problem is that some weak minded individuals will believe you.

If the story is true, they should be prosecuted. And I say that as one who does not support Adams. I am conservative/libertarian, and I also believe in the rule of law. We don’t need violence or the threat of it on either side.

I voted already. Almost 100% for Republicans.

Bigotry is not on the ballot. Prosperity and national security are, especially for black and Latino people.

It is unacceptable for people to call others “nigger”, as it is a derogatory term based on race. It is equally unacceptable to use the term “wypipo”, or similar terms such as cracker. Shame on you.

Sorry. I believe Cohen about as much as I believe Kavanaugh’s accusers. There is no corroboration. And Trump’s policies are profoundly beneficial to black Americans.

a right guaranteed by the 14th Amendment”. Why do you state that as fact? Many legal scholars disagree with that interpretation. Read up on it.

Hmm. He sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton.

Do you really want to have me create a list of lunatics on the left? (That list would include you, by the way.) And I have yet to hear Trump say anything remotely racist. But it doesn’t matter. You are losing the battle here. Liberals are losing the battle globally. Simple reason: liberalism is an abject failure.

Really? Breitbart records the actual words people said. They post the entire videos on their site. Nothing manufactured about it.,

What you have described is how liberals operate. It is all about feelings. If they were logical and cared about facts, they would applaud the economic results Trump’s policies have created. But instead, they let their emotional hatred of Trump blind them to the facts.

No, Lemon was not right. If you add in religious persuasion, most of the white domestic terrorists had converted to Islam. And the designation of “terrorist” is an inexact thing. If you simply look at murders by race, unfortunately, black men lead the pack. Does this mean black men are intrinsically more violent than

I am glad you don’t. I hope you are equally passionate about other derogatory terms aimed at a class of people.

Maybe you should read or listen to right media. They condemn racism and bigotry all the time. But I guess you would not know that if all you read is the MSM and The Root.

At a minimum, she needs psychiatric help. I wish we would all agree to not call anyone race-based or ethnicity-based derogatory names. That includes the n-word, but also kike, wop, kraut, chink, gook, wypipo, cracker and a whole host of other words.

Usuallly, but not always. Michael Harriot is as racist as they come, but I don’t think he is stupid.