Look in a mirror once in a while. Your articles are at least as racist as any of the behavior you write about. And I am not excusing Duffy’s behavior in any way.
I did not know Flo Jo had passed away. Our loss.
I hoped the police do their job, wherever that may lead. But Michael Brown really has nothing to do with this. That case has been fully investigated. There was no “hands up, don’t shoot”. Darren Wilson was justified in shooting the man that tried to take his gun from him.
Ow! I have had kidney stones. They hurt. A lot! I cannot imagine competing in a sporting even with them.
You know, since you are The Root’s liar-in-chief, I do not trust anything you have to say on this subject. You also favor the party that has destroyed the black family and wants to raise taxes and increase unemployment. Dumb!
That is sickening.
As your article amply illustrates, most hate comes from the left. You are a shining example of that.
Maybe you ought to look up “fascist”. The word practically defines Obama and the DNC of today.
As usual, there is more BS than truth in this article. If it were about white fear, why would the predominantly white NRA be actively seeking black members? Why does the Tea Party do the same? Why is the black conservative movement growing?
You should be happy with the progress our society is making. White people are getting fired all the time for such behavior. That has not always been the case. But when will The Root fire you for your blatant racism?
And yet they cheered for Trump. Thankfully, racists like you are losing.
No, they desperately want to see wages rise and unemployment fall, exactly what Trump’s policies have caused to happen.
No. But you did display your ignorance. Fortunately, you are losing this battle.
Then you would choose Republican. They are actively trying to help black Americans.
So what has the Democrat party done for black people? Held them back, made them dependent on government, made them pay higher taxes and earn lower wages, depend on food stamps, given them inferior schools, caused lower home ownership and passed Jim Crow laws. All major civil rights legislation was authored by…
Except they don’t. That is why people complain to you. You are dishonest.
Interesting that you failed to mention that Bowers is an avowed Trump hater. If I were in Georgia, I think I would abstain from casting a vote in the gubernatorial race, or maybe cast a Libertarian vote, as Kemp appears to be too comfortable with racists, but Abrams still has the same lousy Democrat ideas that have…
Good for her. I just hope she stays away from socialism. That would wreck her country.