
Are really as stupid as the stuff you write? And why is your photo that of a white man?

I don’t think Kelly is racist, but she was clueless on this one. But I have to ask: was Eddie Murphy racist when he acted in whiteface?

Kemp may not belong in office or the Republican party. But Cracker Barrel is racist? Just one more example of your ridiculous assertions. Lets face it: you are an unapologetic racist, and you are unlikely to change. That is why I have a hard time believing anything you say.

Calling the cops was appropriate. But somehow I suspect you supported intimidation by black people when it happened a few years ago.

For a normal car, I agree with you. For a semi or a camper, they need to veer left. And I sometimes have to in my 24 foot long crew cab pickup. But I never do so without checking for clearance to my left.

You only told half of the story. For the rest of the story, see 

That is what the Democrats have been doing for the last century.

Odd that this POTUS has done more for black Americans than any Democrat president ever, and is very proud of that fact. Maybe you should study some history instead of believing all the BS that The Root and the MSM feed you.

You know this is a Democrat tactic, don’t you?

I would like to hear their side of the story. It certainly sounds bad. But I do not trust The Root to report objectively and truthfully.

Everything you sad about Trump is irrelevant to the fact that Warren has shown herself to be a scammer. She used the claim of being Native American to get advancement at Harvard. Yet she is less Native American than the average American. Lets face it: by any reasonable standard, she is white. Not that being white is a

Mueller is not “white people”. She is one white person. Generalizing on the basis of race is racism.

So you are concerned with Kanye’s well being? Hah!

Ironically, Antifa is very fascist.

They don’t tend to arrest Antifa or BLM members when they commit violence either. All should be arrested.

All major civil rights legislation was authored by Republicans. Learn a little history.

I agree that Trump should stay away from such people. But the fact remains, Trump has done more good for black people than ANY Democrat President.

Don’t add racism to the mix. She is reprehensible, but that has nothing to do with her race or sex.

This case demonstrates that women can and do lie about such things. So why did almost everyone on The Root automatically believe Blasey-Ford, even though she had no corroboration?

Your obsession with Kavanaugh is unhealthy. I wish you were equally committed to the rule of law and to the requirement for corroboration before an accusation is believed. Just remember this: Obama would never have been President based on the accusation that he was not born in the USA. Proof does not matter, based on