
It mystifies me why schools waste their time on such policies. As long as the hair is neat and clean, who cares what the hairstyle is?

I just can’t trust your reporting on this. I have seen too many cases of illegal aliens voting, dead people voting, multiple votes, etc. and when they try to purge the roles of fraudulent voter registrations, they are always accused of trying to suppress black votes. I live in a state where some voting districts have

Whether you intend it or not, people like you are the enemy of black people in America. You support politicians and policies that have been proven to be harmful. You continually lie about people that disagree with you. In short, you are basically a pimple on the ass of progress. And I am being kind with that. I could

If what you said about Trump were true, he would be attracted to Obama. Obama is the very definition of narcissism. He uses the pronoun “I” more than any other public figure I know of, and he takes credit for things he did not do. His policies were terrible, too. But I know: you think any black person who does not toe

Why do you have to lie about Trump, who has nothing to do with this thread? Trumps policies have not only helped black Americans more than any other racial group, they have helped black Americans more than the policies of ANY Democrat president, and Trump is very proud of that fact. But the good news is that you are

Amen to that!

If this sort of thing continues, you may be out of a job. What would you do if racism and injustice ended?

It was a juvenile stunt. And it helps support Nike, which is a company notorious for the use of Child labor. A pox on Nike, the sheriff, and Kaepernick!

Clearly unqualified? Top of his class in law school? Cited by higher courts on many of his opinions? Kavanaugh is eminently qualified. If you think unsubstantiated allegations are enough to derail someone from office, why was Obama allowed to be President, when there were many unsubstantiated allegations that he was

So, what’s your point? That some Trump supporters say asinine and racist things? So what? I see Democrats saying asinine and racist things all the time. That includes a few of The Root writers.

I am glad Tina finally got into a happy life. She is an inspiration.

You are obsessed with Taylor. And not in a good way.

Actually, if you were paying attention, you would realize it was the Democrats who colluded with Russians.

You don’t know what authoritarian is. How about someone who used executive orders to bypass the legislative and judicial processes, and lied about major laws to get them passed? That would be Obama.

Trump is a complete amateur at lying compared to you

But who is “us”? I am reminded of the biblical passage wherein one asked, Who is my neighbor? The answer to both is, all of us, of all races and sexes.

That is sad. But, oddly, whenever I read any of your columns, I feel as though I am reading the black version of a KKK diatribe.

Bullshit. Voter fraud is a real problem. Purging of legitimate registered voters is rare.

Avenatti? Are you serious? Scumbag of the Earth.

I think we should require written consent from a fetus or unborn child at any stage of development before killing it or harvesting it for cells. I am deadly serious.