
Where do you get the nonsensical idea thet Trump is a sexual predator? He never molested anyone. Sure, he probably was guilty of a lot of fooling around, but it was all consensual. I bet you did not protest against Clinton, who absolutely raped and molested several women.

It wasn’t civilized. You really want a world without cops? Welcome to a world run by MS-13 and similar groups. I don’t call that civilized.

Don’t you ever get embarrassed about your own blatant racism? And aren’t; you embarrassed about picking on a kid? I don’t agree with Taylor’s politics, but I believe she means well. And, news flash: white people did not create racism, and they sure as hell do not have a monopoly on it. And whatever else can be said

Fox snatched up Juan Williams. And Fox has more liberal commentators on board than all the other networks combined have conservative commentators. They also have more black commentators than any other network.

Now they need to fire all those that show liberal bias with their every breath. That is about 90% of the media.

I can’t support boycotting an entire enterprise for the bad actions of some of their employees. No company can be entirely sure that all individuals in their employ harbor no racist tendencies. All they can do is make it right when one is caught acting badly. Dominos did that. There is nothing more they could have

I don’t believe the world is as you say it is, any more than I believe all Germans are Nazis or all women are prostitutes.

I heard Maryland has no such statute of limitations.

Gang rape is real and is a crime and a tragedy. But that is exactly why people who are not guilty of it must not be accused of it. There is no way Kavanaugh was that type of person. Too many (over 140) people who knew him well vouched for him, and there was zero evidence.

You have too much time on your hands. And did it ever occur to you that Melania might actually care about people?

I hope I get to see her musical. She is an amazing woman.


Yes, indeed. And it also helps protect the good cops from false accusations.

IMHO, his sentence was too light.

Funny. I know quite a few women who are accomplished professionals and business leaders. They all vote Conservative. They are voting in their own self interest, not serving any patriarchy.

And more black people are coming to understand that conservative principles work for all, but especially for black people. That is why Trump’s support has more than doubled among black people. And only fools believe what was said about Kavanaugh with no corroborating evidence, and in fact, all evidence is to the

The disclaimer “not all” does not cut it. When you refer to a group, the implication is that what you say about the group applies to virtually all members of that group. Would you accept anyone saying “black people do this” or “black people think that”? I think not.

If you believe Ford’s completely noncorroborated story, I have some nice fake emeralds to sell you.

Trump will win in 2020. Get used to it. And enjoy the higher wages, lower unemployment, lower health care costs, higher home ownership, lower crime rate and greater national security that go along with that.

Condoleezza Rice belongs on this list, as does Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas. But then, I am not naïve. I know such awards are not given to conservative or Republican black people.