
Have you not noticed that many cops are black and Latino and Asian? In many communities, white cops are in the minority.

How would you know how white people think and feel? Do you really think they would share that with you, knowing how afraid they are to be labeled racist? As a member of a multiracial family, what I have found is that most white people do not think about race at all, unless forced to. And when they are forced to in a

You really don’t let facts influence you, do you?

I actually support that. I also support mandatory use of police dashcams and bodycams. I do not believe most police are out to commit crimes against black people. But some do. Such cams would help protect victims of police violence, as well as protecting police from false charges. 

The ideal juror has no opinion going into as trial, and is to form his/her opinion entirely on the basis of the evidence presented at the trial. That is how the system is supposed to work, and it is a noble ideal. However, in this internet age, it is virtually impossible to find such people. All they can do is try to

Mocking? Maybe, but what he said was true. She has no case. Her own named witnesses deny her story. No credibility.

Your standards of excellence are low.

Um, I bet you supported Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, and still support Keith Ellison, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner and all the other Democrat reprobates. And, BTW, thewre is no actual evidence against Kavanaugh. Ford lied during her testimony. Not credible!

Wow! You really outdid yourself with lies on this one. Tucker has never advocated any form of white nationalism. He has specifically railed against judging people by their immutable characteristics such as race and sex hundreds if not thousands of times, including on every show for the last 2 weeks. His point, and it

I am surprised you wrote this. It does not fit The Root’s narrative that cops never get punished.

Too bad the few valid points you made were enshrouded with overt racism and lies. You are every bit as bad as the white asshole who told the black family to get out of his neighborhood.

I am hoping that for George Soros. BTW, do you really want higher taxes, more unemployment, less secure borders, more expensive healthcare, etc.? That is what you will get if Democrats have their way.

Either gullible or a liar.

She is not credible. Nobody backs up her claims. Not the people she said were there. Not her ex-boyfriend. No one. And her own accounts are full of lies and contradictions.

Jeesh, Monique! You have officially joined the Liar’s Club. Trump meant all young men, Yes, that includes young black men. And, BTW, it is the Democrats that protect rapists and abusers as much as they can get away with it. Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Keith Ellison, Harvey Weinstein, Ted Kennedy, Al Franken and many

Get used to it. Trump will win in 2020. The economy matters.

Ironic that you say that responding to a column that is always full of black hatred of white people. Interracial relations are being harmed by pricks such as Crockett.

You are looking pretty stupid. China has already cut tariffs on some US imports. Trump does know how to negotiate a better trade deal. It is a carrot-and-stick approach.

What lie? No evidence of that!

How can you possibly say he lied? There is no evidence to support that at this time. There is no corroboration of any of the charges, and there is no credibility on the part of any of the accusers.