Ford has no corroboration whatsoever. Her witnesses said it did not happen. So far, we should presume Kavanaugh is innocent. I would not expect over 140 women wo knew him and worked with him to be fooled.
Ford has no corroboration whatsoever. Her witnesses said it did not happen. So far, we should presume Kavanaugh is innocent. I would not expect over 140 women wo knew him and worked with him to be fooled.
Too bad most people assumed they are.
Better than putting rasberry sauce on them.
It is indeed sad that people still do things that are “stupid, offensive and racist.” Root writers Crockett and Harriot do that every day.
Yeah, that is Elizabeth Warren’s claim.
Why would you accept a racist description of yourself?
It would be as accurate to call Obama white as to call him black. Or do you believe the one-drop rule?
The solution is to eliminate the programs for minority businesses. They are a farce and discriminatory anyway.
You comment about Kavanaugh shows your political bias. For my part, the fact that no one Ford named as a witness corroborates her story, makes me doubt its veracity. And the more than 140 women who knew him for decades who wrote character affidavits convinces me even more. Don’t be so quick to condemn based on an…
Congratulations to her.
I am not supporting Cummings in any way. But to deny that reverse racism exists towards white teachers in the Bronx is incredibly myopic.
I agree with almost everything you wrote in this column. But I can’t help but think that you spend every day looking for examples of white racism. How sad! We all know white racism exists. This is not news. I submit that it is actually rare. We also know that black racism exists. I see examples of it every time I read…
How you ever graduated from an Ivy League school is a mystery to me. Your reasoning is entirely fallacious. In fact, it is not reasoning at all. It is pure emotion.
The same principle of fairness demands innocent until proven guilty. And, BTW, that “promotion” would come with a pay cut.
But, that is not the case. She herself said she was drunk. Moreover, though she knew Kavanaugh a little, his other classmates said she was not part of the circle of people he associated with.
I agree with your basic premise. But Kavanaugh has been investigated by the FBI 6 times, including once for getting top security clearance. He passed. And the current allegations would be impossible to investigate, since they do not know where or when. Moreover, the people Ford said were there already said it didn’t ha…
You are hopeless. You would not recognize truth and the rule of law if they fell on you.
You really believe that crap? Ford’s own named witnesses said it didn’t happen. The presumption of innocence has nothing to do with white male virtue. It is a legal principle that has been used for over 1000 years. Would you really like it to be the other way around?
Take a head count. Fox has more black commentators than any other cable network.
So I guess Fox must be racist for firing him. But they would be sexist if they kept him. They can never win with liberals. For my part, I find that Fox tells all the news, not just what they want to hear.