
Not a predator. He may be a bad moral example, but there are no charges that he sexually assaulted anyone. It was consensual.

No doubt they would welcome the opportunity.

I have no doubt of his guilt. But it is a bit demoralizing to me, as I enjoyed his humor and once looked up to him.

And your white heritage is just as human as your black heritage. No one has the right to hate either race.

Now that guy is a genuine white supremacist. But they are rare. And it has nothing to do with conservatives. I can tell you that the Tea Party movement is extremely welcoming towards black members, and any racist rhetoric will get the culprit, white or black, summarily kicked out of the meeting.

This is outrageous on the part of the school. But so is your characterization of Texas. Did you know that an entire community of black people from New Orleans that had their homes destroyed by Katrina re-located to Marble Falls, TX? They were welcomed with open arms. And they are thriving now. I have personally talked

Such evil never fails to astonish me.

Good move for DPD. But I see that Harriot  is still here. And he does mean his racist stuff the way it comes off.

It doesn’t take any credentials to be a racist, which your incessant racist bloviating proves.

People do grow up, you know. And we have an entire career record and over 100 women who actually know Kavanaugh that testify to how honorable and respectful he is. I am tired of the presumption of guilt. If we let that stand, our system of justice will collapse.

Her “witnesses” have denied it happened. Seems bogus to me.

News flash: Kavanaugh and even his wife and daughters have also gotten death threats. There are sickos on both sides.

None of this is relevant. Whatever Kavanaugh did or not do as a drunken 17 year old has no bearing on his qualifications to serve today.

For my 2 cents worth, my favorite lipstick on a woman is none at all. Who wants to kiss colored grease?

It is good that he is resigning. No one in a law enforcement position should hold such attitudes. Now, when will staff members of The Root who publish racist diatribes about “wypipo” resign or get fired?

Much more balanced than Harriot.

You get it. This is more likely to be about the cost of uprisings, both financially and loss of reputation.

Very interesting study. But keep in mind that many universities admit black students with lower SAT scores and lower class ranking than they require of white, Indian or Asian students. So, racial prejudice has both positive and negative effects on black admissions.

It is revolting and terrible. But even offensive, racist speech is protected. If it were not, The Root would be out of business.

Revolting. But maybe re-assignment would be more humane.