
I am glad she is being honored. Our nation has come a long way, but more healing is still needed.

1) The Southern Poverty Law Center has become a hate group itself. They especially hate Christians. 2) Nunes is a Latino. That is not usually associated with white supremacy groups.

Somehow I don’t think you have ever watched Tucker Carlson. He is adamantly opposed to racism.

I don’t know about witchcraft. But Beyoncé is certainly bewitching.

Racists are one of the scourges of the Earth. But you are one of them.

You are probably right.

They are also run by Democrats.

Boston is run by liberal Democrats.

Becky? Seriously? Should all black women be referred to as Letishas?

Serena is an amazing woman in many ways. I hope the doll test is improving in the US. For our part, as a Christian family, we have tried to purchase angel dolls of multiple races to emphasize that God made all of us. It is easy to get Caucasian and Black angels. It is not so easy to get Asian or Indian angels. 

She is an idiot? Since she is at least 30 points higher in IQ than you are, what does that make you?

Wow! An article by 2 pathological liars at the same time!

Do you really think anyone believes your version of events? We all know you mix lies with a little truth to advance your political narrative.

This will help to see if she is telling the truth. She is in deeper trouble if she lied. Maybe murder 2?

Your eyes are opening. Bravo!

Have you ever been outside the USA? In my experience, the USA is one of the least racist nations on the planet. And I have been to the UK, USA, Canada, Mexico, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, S. Korea, China, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.

That was very grotesque. But I seem to remember Eddie Murphy doing full whiteface in several of his movies. Is that OK?

There is very little diversity (of thought) in Hollywood. They are almost all liberal.

Conservatism has nothing to do with racism. It is about the role of government.

The fact that a police officer is on trial for murder is proof that progress is being made. I don’t think the defense’s strategy will work.