
No news there. Yes there are racists. And yes, this usually is because of their parents. This has always been the case. What’s your excuse?

Actually, very few Dixiecrats have switched parties. Dinesh D’ Sousa studied this, and there are only a handful.

If they are so brainless, how come Trump’s economic and foreign policies are spectacularly successful? BYW you really ought to study history. The Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow Laws, lynchings and, now, government dependency. The Republicans have authored virtually all civil rights legislation

He probably is ignorant of his own racism. But if he supports Trump’s agenda, he will benefit black people anyway.

I don’t buy it. The symbol normally just means OK.

I am waiting to hear your praise of Mia Love.

Her crime was disgusting. But do white people always get away with it? Ask the many caught up by the Metoo movement.

None of this has anything to do with a Russian conspiracy. The only Russian collusion was between the DNC, HRC, Michael Steele, Strzok and Page, Ohr, Comey and maybe Obama himself.

Seriously? You write daily using the assumption that all white people are racist. There is no way ANY white person would be considered non-racist by you.

This is a real mess. I hope they get it sorted out. But it still seems unlikely that this was premeditated murder. Aside from that being woefully evil, it would be obvious to even a junior cop that he/she could not get away with it this way. So, I think manslaughter is appropriate and that she will be convicted of it.

What do expect from a professional liar and racist? That is what Harriot is.

No, the correct term is manslaughter. That charge would likely stick. She would likely be acquitted of murder.

And Democrats only care about votes and power. That is why they oppose any program that will reduce government dependency.

Math lesson: the Trump tax cuts INCREASED the share of Federal revenue paid by the rich. That is because their cuts were smaller as a % than those given to the poor and middle class.

Sad. You seem to really believe the BS you write. But Cohn and several others have already repudiated Woodward’s book.

Some of us who voted for him are Mensa members. We are not dumb. When faced with a choice of two degenerates, one of whom has bad policy ideas and one of whom has good policy ideas, we chose the one with the better policy ideas. The facts show that we have made a wise choice.

Complicity? Give me a break. Trump may be absolutely wrong about the figures. But he did not cause anyone’s death. The natural disaster did that.

Not really relevant to claims of racism. And if he went to Heaven, I doubt that he hates it.

Yet Asian-Americans earn more on average than white Americans. And the main reason so many Asian women marry white American men is because that is who they often meet on campuses. And I do know Asian men married to white women, and some married to black women.