Actually, I see a lot of racist hatred being promulgated by the staff of The Root. Crockett and Harriot are the worst.
Actually, I see a lot of racist hatred being promulgated by the staff of The Root. Crockett and Harriot are the worst.
Are you really trying to say that “all lives matter” is racist? All lives DO matter.
It is a terrible cartoon; insulting beyond belief. But it is no worse than the rampant racism that appears in every one of your columns.
You seem to think Kardashian is white. In any case, models as a group are rather narcissistic; it kind of goes with the territory. In my profession, applied science, few women seem to experience discrimination based on race. It is about performance, not appearance.
You are in no position to accuse anyone else of lying. Fortunately, your lies are failing. Trump’s approval among black Americans, currently at 36%, is rising. Facts matter. The economy matters.
You need a bit of an education on our legal system. A charge of murder would only be appropriate if she deliberately went to the wrong apartment intending to kill. No evidence exists that she planned to do that. Manslaughter is the correct charge.
The sign is disturbing. So is your incessant racism.
Overpaid? Seriously? Do you have any idea how many cops need food stamps to get by?
No, it isn’t. There are all kinds of charges for killing. Manslaughter is the charge used when the killing was no premeditated.
But she has been charged with manslaughter already. Lying won’t change that.
At a minimum, this shows that 15 hour shifts for a cop are a bad idea. They do not allow such long shifts for truck drivers or airline pilots. Scarily, they do allow such long shifts for some ER staff.
The official was Ramos, a Latino. Williams’ opponent was Asian. I don’t see how you call racism here. And if racism defined the sport overall, how is it that Williams has won more than any other athlete in the sport, ever? I am not taking anything away from Williams. She is the greatest the sport has ever seen. That…
Sexism, maybe. But it is a pretty big leap to call this racism. I think it is more about the ego of Ramos than anything else.
I am looking forward to high turnout among the 36% of black voters that support Trump.
It is hard to defend Zimmerman. But we can defend the system of justice that requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Sometimes the guilty go free. That is better than putting the innocent in jail. No system is perfect, and mistakes are bound to be made. But ours has a pretty good track record overall.
That what? You did not finish your sentence.
When are people going to get the fact that abortion is MURDER, and that Margaret Sanger encouraged it as a way to reduce the number of black people born in the USA? Time to stop supporting this genocide.
This story speaks well for Owens. Clearly he is a man who does whatever he needs to do.
Beyoncé is, or at least was, a good Christian. I doubt that she would do such a thing, no matter how much she may want to.
His dad’s choice of wife calls into question his dad’s racism.