What is a POC? I have never seen anyone whose skin had no color.
What is a POC? I have never seen anyone whose skin had no color.
That cuts both ways. Too many white people are now afraid to help black people for fear of getting attacked. This has to stop on both sides.
It might feel good to punch an a-hole such as Kessler. And it might feel good to let the defendant off with a $1 fine. But the 1st amendment was designed not just to protect speech you agree with, but obnoxious, offensive speech. No one should get away with assault and battery just because the victim’s speech was…
I guess you would like to punch Barak Obama. His policies are the most Nazi-like of the modern era.
Nationally, the strongest correlation is between high crime and Democrat-controlled local governments. Chicago is the poster child for this.
Thank you for pointing out the profound ignorance of Harriot.
A lot more than that. And quite a few are actual African Americans, meaning they were born in Africa.
You got it right.
The cops should have asked the grandmother before cuffing the kid, and they should have believed her answer. The rest of your post is pure racism, as usual.
You pathologically are unable to comprehend that many Americans are not happy about dissing our flag or our anthem. These Americans come in all colors. It is not about racism or white supremacy. But you are blinded by your hate.
Just how hard would it have been for Johnson the remove the sunglasses and don regular prescription glasses? The hotel rules may be silly but excessive pride is just as ridiculous.
If I had to guess, I would say that Hamadeh is not considered white.
Things are getting better. The charge was dropped. But Yussef Hamedah should be investigated and maybe prosecuted.
I had never heard of this before. I looked up this symbol on the Anti Defamation League website, and her had position DID NOT MATCH IT! Moreover, it is preposterous to think that a half-Mexican, half Jewish woman would use a symbol that originated as anti-Jewish. The only controversy here is that some idiots are…
This sort of thing has happened a lot with Nicki. Coincidence?
All “progressives” do is wreck the economy and create dependency on the government.
Trump support is up to 36% now among black Americans. Results matter. That is why you are losing this battle, in spite of your false narrative.
Sounds like a criminal offense to me.
Mao Zedong thought having s*x with young women would transfer their youth and vitality to him and make him live longer. It didn’t work, but I bet it was a fun experiment.
All that walking is probably why he is still here.