I love ya, Serena, but I disagree. Athletes can do their protesting on their own time.
I love ya, Serena, but I disagree. Athletes can do their protesting on their own time.
I am not 100% convinced he was trying to touch her breast. He was not looking at where his hand was. I have to give him the benefit of the doubt. His joke was lousy, though.
Are you really that ignorant? “monkey” is not intrinsically racist. I have owned a monkey wrench. The way DeSantis used it had nothing to do with race, regardless of the fact that his opponent was black.
Very simply: bullshit.
It is neither. Who does not want greatness for our country? This benefits everyone. And the record shows it has benefitted minorities most of all.
You don’t get to assault someone and steal property and call it free speech. You are being woefully irrational.
The only Hunter I know is a flaming liberal. So, yes, that makes him a complete ass.
It was, after all, theft. But what do you expect from a Democrat? They support wealth redistribution, which is basically organized theft using the power of government. It is no different from hiring a thug to steal for you.
Amen! He could have also been charged with assault.
You are right, they have no obligation to sell it or restore it. We can only guess why they won’t do either. But dudebra below may have the right idea. I am generally no fan of eminent domain. It has been used too often to take private property so that Wal-Mart can build a store. But this might be a legitimate use of…
Indeed. People will still be listening to her hits 100 years from now.
You act as though learning to get along with white people is a bad thing. Would not the world be a better place if race did not enter into our judgement of people?
Prominent conservatives get death threats every day. That’s politics these days, unfortunately. No one is immune.
The school has every right to do this. The cheerleaders are there to cheerlead, not to protest. They can do that on their own time.
Who wouldn’t have a crush on Berry? The weird thing is that she just doesn’t age. She will still look good when she is 90.
Seems like a light sentence for murder. The prosecutor wanted much more. The guy was convicted of murder, not manslaughter.
Do you really think socialism is a good idea? It has brought nothing but misery everywhere it has been tried. And it is intrinsically immoral, in that it takes from those who own and gives to those who do not. That is government-sponsored thievery. BTW, Gillum was grossly incompetent as mayor, also. I guess he wanted…
??? Actually, they are paid according to market value. It would be impossible for that not to be so.
I do agree with that.
Hmmm. Seems to me there are a lot of evangelical Black Christian churches.