
Clearly you do not watch Fox News. They did exactly what you don’t recall them doing.

Catholics do not worship graven images. Get a life!

Are you implying Catholics are not Christian? What a fallacy! And veneration or honoring is not the same as worshipping.

The civil war demonstrated that the majority of white Americans opposed slavery, and were willing to pay with their treasure and their lives to stop it.

“Men like Idi Amin are what’s wrong with black people”. Imagine if someone actually wrote this, and was being serious. You would decry him as a racist, and justifiably so. Yet you have done exactly the same thing. You are welcome to disagree with Santora. But to imply that all white people are like him is simply

Dean should easily win a lawsuit. And Reynolds could be jailed for impersonating a police officer since he was off duty.

And many Democrats are rascist. What’s your point? BTW, ALL of the white people I know who have adopted black kids are Republican.

I really hope that is not true.

Which native Americans get the whole country back? There were many tribes, and many cased of one tribe defeating another and taking their land. And there were multiple migrations. Who are the original owners? Lets face it, human history is one of conquest. No one can ever redress the taking of land in war. And the

1) Jewishness is not a race. Whoopi Goldberg is Jewish 2) What a bigoted load of crap you posted!

Did you forget the fact that the NRA has been recruiting black members for a long time? As for the Constitution, it is a magnificent system of law. You would have no problem with it if it had been applied to all people, including black people. The flaw was not in the Constitution, but in the people who failed to apply

I agree with Brown on this one.

You got it right. Jesus is not to blame for these evildoers.

Except Jesus was no socialist. He advocated work, and one of his prominent apostles, Paul, said in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, He who will not work shall not eat.

No, it is an example of how Satan is trying to corrupt all worship of God. With some people, he succeeds. Christianity is not made for white racists. It is about love for all.

Someone ought to tell this dipshit that God made all human beings, and that Jesus Himself was part black. (Abyssinian blood, you know.) Racism and Christianity are incompatible. I am normally opposed to both torture and the death penalty, but I would not bee too broken up if this guy got both.

But we did need to fear Obama as President. He did a lot of damage. So it would have been with Gore, Kerry or any Clinton.

Flawed and fallible. That describes all of us.

You are speculating, period. Try getting some facts!

No evidence that race is involved.