
The rules may be silly, but if they are applied equally to everyone, there is no unfairness, and the contestants know what the rules are.

You have just shown your self to be a cretin. 

And America’s principles and laws are noble; a beacon to the world. Its great sin is that it did not apply those golden principles equally to all people. As a nation, we should be ahsmed of that, but also proud of what is good about our nation. We have more freedom and a higher standard of living than any other

Truly, that is so.

It can’t be done. The perpetrators and victims are all dead, when it comes to slavery. We can compensate individuals for specific wrongful acts committed against them. But rewarding all black people from the public funds would punish the innocent, who are in the very large majority. Why should Asian, Latino and white

What do you think America has been doing for at least the last 50 years? From my perspective, we are doing a lot to remove the effects of our past sins. Yes, we have a way to go, but we have made a lot of progress, and will make more in the future. Too bad we backslid under Obama. It is odd that so many accuse Trump

Yeah , Wharton is noted for admitting simpletons. And no one has presented evidence that Trump is a racist.

Was that supposed to be English? I know third graders who write better.

You will have to wait until January of 2025 for that.

When did you stop beating your wife and children? I have as much evidence that you are a wife and child abuser as you have that Trump is an oil thief. In case you missed the point, that amount of evidence is zero.

I don’t believe Trump or Carlson’s intent was to rile up white racists. Carlson is vehemently opposed to racism, as am I. Trump has been accused of racism without hard evidence. It could be they are misinformed, or it could be that what they said was true and the South African government is engaged in PR to cover the

I don’t know if this is true or not. But knowing Bill Clinton, it is possible he had several “love children”.

Even if true, so what? Trump is a scumbag, but he has very good policies for our country, especially for black Americans. Hillary Clinton is also a scumbag, but she has absolutely terrible policy ideas. So the choice was not between a scumbag and a paragon of virtue. It was between two scumbags. Ultimately, those of

World-renowned liar would be a more fitting bio.

When will you learn to write and to report truthfully?

Did you notice the part about the cop being black?

Nowhere in the article did it say the teacher is white. The fact that you assumed she was betrays your own racism.

I doubt this has anything to do with race.

Bryant is not guilty of anything but teaching his kids to be polite. This is one more example of PC nonsense.

Of course, she should be prosecuted. But then, so should Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton. Did you decry the falser rape accusations then? No double standards, please!