

I think we may see some relatives she never knew she had stepping forward.

I will never understand how your blatantly racist crap gets published even on The Root. Your tripe is low even by their standards.

Now you had to add your own racism to the mix. Why not fight to end racism, instead of contributing to it?

The Confederate flag may be a symbol of heritage for some. But the fact remains: it is a symbol of treason, slavery and racism. I believe in free speech and expression, so I am not saying it should be banned. But I sure as hell would not patronize any business that displayed it, and I could never be friends with a

I have a pretty good idea why.

To play James Bond? Somehow I do not envision him as female.

Nothing wrong with a black James Bond. The main requirement is that he be British, and there are many black British people.

The problem with that kind of thinking is that it is defeatist. There is no denying that opportunities are not equal for black people. Bu people who believe that such a fact means they cannot succeed usually will not. It is better to believe that it is still possible to succeed even with the inequalities. And I once

Racism lamely disguised as humor. Pathetic.

This is definitely not the best day for PR for that police department. But I am surprised that you covered the story, since the lady is white. (Yes, many middle eastern people are white.)

Scot’s historical errors are too numerous for me to cover. But I will note the irony of an Asian-American talking about white privilege, when Asian-Americans have higher average wages than white Americans. White privilege apparently is pretty weak.

Summary: racism can be found in any race. This is news?

Oddly, you post shows that you think all blond white people look alike. That would give Fox cover for screwing up, as apparently you do likewise.

You assume it is racism because that is how you think and what you are. Simple incompetence is the more likely explanation, especially their intent was clearly to honor Arethra Franklin.

How about black people saying racist things about whites? It happens all the time on The Root.

In a page out of Donald Trump’s playbook...” implies that Trump has used racial epithets in his campaign rhetoric. I have seen no examples of this. If you know of any, put up or shut up, Yesha. You are becoming as much a liar as Herriot.

Too many people seem to think the violence is OK. Is it OK for white people to beat up black people for being called crackers or wypipo? None of this is acceptable!

Although it can be said that the president seems to uplift and uphold white supremacists, racism, and white nationalism...”

Ultimately, only true faith in God can rid people of racism. They need to appreciate the fact that God made people of all races, and He made them equal. And no white person can remove the stain of racism on another white person except perhaps by example, just as no black person by a simple action or two can rid The