DeVos took a massive pay cut to get this position. Clearly she cares a lot about it. You may disagree with what she wants to do, but you have no evidence with which to impugn her motives.
DeVos took a massive pay cut to get this position. Clearly she cares a lot about it. You may disagree with what she wants to do, but you have no evidence with which to impugn her motives.
News flash: Trumps tax cuts not only benefit everyone, but they actually INCREASE the share of Federal taxes paid by the rich. That is because the tax cuts, as a percentage, are smaller for the rich than the middle class.
Outstanding point.
Ignore the below reply. Not sure how it got to two places. His white male skin has not shielded him from racism. Look at all the racism directed at him in this very thread.
I don’t. Racism is found in all races.
Who says he is speaking for white people? Do all white people have the same views? Is there an official spokesperson for white people? Hint: do all black people think alike?
Your last two sentences are dishonest. He did not say what you attributed to him. And while there are worse things than being called a racist, and even worse things than being a racist, racism is definitely a great evil. Too bad it is one practiced by most Root writers.
I think you are rather paranoid. I don’t think there are that many real racists.
Amazon is run by liberals. Are you saying they are intentionally racist? As a conservative, I would love to levy that accusation, but I am more inclined to say it was simple incompetence (another hallmark of liberals.)
“Progressive”? Law enforcement and crime rates under so-called “progressives” have been terrible. Just hold fraudulent callers accountable.
Indeed. That makes it not just a simple mistake. Neighbors should know who their neighbors are, in any case.
Watch her in Les Miserables. Awesome acting!
I guess you would prefer 2% economic growth over 4%, and lower wages and higher unemployment.
White privilege no doubt exists, but its influence is greatly exaggerated. I cite as evidence the fact that immigrants from India and east Asia earn more on average than white people.
Are you really just a complete idiot or just a pathological liar? It is simply a fact that Trump has been far tougher on Russia than Obama. Remember the open mike? And where is your outrage about the DNC paying Russian spies to create a fake dossier, or all the Russian money given to the Clintons?
You really are a hopeless liar and racist. Ignorant, too. Maybe you should do some international traveling to gain some perspective.
How ignorant you are! You believe all the crap the MSM spews about Trump. But I suppose you would rather have lower wages, an economy growing at less than 2%, higher unemployment and more people on food stamps than hear about the 4.1% growth rate announced today. The fact is, Trump has done more in 1 year for poor…
Both the Hippocratic oath and the law would require them to serve her. Manslaughter, anyone?
I guess Obama was full of it when he said it was impossible. Let the DNC turn over their servers so we know what really happened. But whatever the Russians did or did not do, it is far less serious than all the voter fraud perpetrated by Democrats. They allow illegal aliens to vote, oppose voter ID laws, and in my…
For once?