Yes. It is calling wolf.
Yes. It is calling wolf.
What a POS. We have enough real bigotry in the world without people making it up.
It is sad that you have such a distorted view of America. In your world, white people wake up every day thinking about how to oppress black people. Do you even know any white people well?? As a member of a mixed race family, I can tell you that few white people even think about race unless they are clobbered with it.
Which political group is more tolerant? Surprise!
It doesn’t matter if the guy was racist or not. He committed murder. He should be prosecuted for that to the fullest extent of the law.
Wonderful story! By the way, this kid is a capitalist, whether he knows it or not.
Actually, the DNC is in bed with Wall Street, while pretending to be for the little guy. How do you think the Clintons got so much money in their bogus foundation?
You are losing this battle, because it is a fact that the Republican Party has authored almost all of the major civil rights legislation in our country’s history, and there is a small but growing migration of black Americans to the Republican Party. It is their own self-interest to do so. The simple reason is that…
Lets face it: cops can never arrive quickly enough. Each of us must defend ourselves.
You know, millions of white people fought to end slavery. The majority of whites always knew it was wrong. BTW, the NRA is actively recruiting black members.
Apparently you don’t read much. Black and Latino Americans have benefitted enormously from Trump’s economic policies.
I guess Merrill deserved to die, as he was white, too. You are as much a racist POS as Sayler.
If only Merrill had not followed Saylor out! It was a bad idea that led to tragedy.
Trump is to the left of Reagan, in case you hadn’t noticed. And JFK would be a fairly conservative Republican by today’s standards.
What else are they supposed to do? Politics is the art of the possible. Evangelicals no doubt would have preferred Huckabee on a personal basis. But he was not the nominee. BYW, the media are the biggest hypocrites in the world.
Lets face it: rich and powerful men, more often than not, are womanizers. I wish we could have more honorable people serve as President. But I cast my votes based on what the president will actually do, on a policy basis. And, based on that, I am pretty happy with Trump, though he is not the kind of many I would like…
Ironically, almost the entire editorial staff of The Root have shown themselves to be racist.
In some cases, the Feds will step in. I can only hope in this case.
Don’t do it, man. It will not help anything.