Bullshit. It has been used as a defense for black people, too.
Bullshit. It has been used as a defense for black people, too.
That is not what the “stand your ground” law was for. I doubt that the cop’s opinion will hold up in court. A civil suit would be a slam dunk.
You are proof (as if any more is needed) that liberals do not want to even hear anyone who disgrees with them. So much for championing diversity.
Middle aged? Well, I guess Whoopi would be happy to hear that, as she is in her 60s.
Goldberg had no facts. All she had was emotion and scripted talking points.
Pirro is of Lebanese descent. Some would call that non-white. In any case, Pirro may be thin, but she obviously spends time in a gym. Goldberg, on the other hand, looks as though her exercise consisits of lifting Lasagne and ice cream to her lips. In a fight, I would bet on Pirro.
“I am tired of people starting a conversation with Mexicans are liars and rapists,” Whoopi said. But if she is referring to Trump, he never said that. Check out the actual speech. It is easy to find. Ergo, Whoopi is a liar, proving Pirro’s point.
Braasch is wrong. But you are a far worse racist than she will ever be.
You have too much time on your hands! :)
These life jackets do not inflate.
This is truly horrific. I cannot even imagine what Mrs. Coleman is feeling. I hope all our prayers will help a little,
Barr and Jarret are both scumbags.
Damn! I hate it when I agree with you. But I hope this guy wins his lawsuit, and the cop is fired. Seems like a slam dunk to me.
Do you not see the irony that Breanna’s post was also racist? Read it again, carefully.
Trump had nothing to do with it. Trump has benefitted black Americans more than any other President in the last 50 years.
The cops did their job. This is what normally happens. But The Root gives the impression that the cops are always the bad guys.
I’m just glad he is not president any more. What a disaster he was!
I agree with Trump. We are on the brink of a civil war because of the lying fake media. And you are one of the useful idiots participating in this.
What are native peoples? All humans on this continent are descendants of immigrants from somewhere. Ultimately, we are all from Africa. Human history is largely about conquerors and the conquered. That included wars between “native American” tribes. Which tribe is the rightful owner of a given piece of land? Nobody…
And who should pay it? People who had nothing to do with it but happen to be white? Immigrants from Asia? People who are 62.5% white and the rest black? Lets face it: when it comes to slavery, both the perpetrators and the victims are dead. There is nothing to be done about that. We should focus on dealing justice to…