What a wild mixture of truth, falsehood and racism you managed to perpetrate today! The little bit of truth you sprinkled in makes it easier to fool the gullible.
What a wild mixture of truth, falsehood and racism you managed to perpetrate today! The little bit of truth you sprinkled in makes it easier to fool the gullible.
According to these stats, 45% of mass killings in the USA were perpetrated by whites. But whites are 77% of the population. So, your premise is wrong. Moreover, they did not even include all the 9-11 deaths; they only included killings by guns. But airplanes should count, too.
How do you figure that Chick-fil-A is racist? Do you really think that any true believer in the message of Christ would ever condone racism? No way!
Bad example. It has already been shown that this kid just partially disassembled a store-bought item. He is a fraud.
“Racism of any form is unacceptable.” I agree wholeheartedly. Too bad most of The Root writers are very racist.
That is exactly right. Why patronize such a place?
You just have to make racist generalizations about white people, don’t you? Even the term “wypipo” is intrinsically racist. People are routinely fired for using the N-word, and in most cases, rightfully so. I propose that The Root fire anyone that uses the term “wypipo”. It is just as bad.
Would it be racist to try to put you down by saying you have the skin color of a turd? Absolutely! But apparently you think it is OK to refer to someone in a derisive way by saying that person has the “skin color of an undercooked pan of macaroni and cheese.”
Have you already forgotten what Obama said to the Russian ambassador, and Hillary’s “reset” button, and $400 million of Russian donations to HRC’s campaign through US citizens? Judging by actions, not words, Trump has been tougher on Russia than anyone else. I can’t believe how effing ignorant most of The Root posters…
You were like that? “Was like” does not mean “said.”
Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Look up the definmoition of treason.
Actually, Chris is one of the toughest interviewers on TV. And he is a registered Democrat. But he puts his job ahead of his political views. He is one of the few actual journalists left.
You really don’t get it. Russia has an extradition treaty with the US. Putin offered to have US officials come to Russia to interview the 12 indictees, and if the evidence was sufficient, go through the extradition process. But Mueller and Rosenstein do not want to actually try these people, so they will refuse. The…
When you use the term “stupid”, maybe you should look in a mirror. You are actually advocating failed progressive policies that have made Americans poorer, especially black Americans. Trumponomics is a Godsend to black Americans.
Funny, though. Americans are getting wealthier due to Trump’s policies. And The Root is one of the most racist sites I have ever seen.
This may surprise you, but Coupon Carl and other racists would be very unwelcome at any Tea Party meeting. Racism in any form is not tolerated by the Tea Party.
That is really a stupid generalization. If one sees a black person robbing a bank or raping somebody, calling the police is both an act of compassion for the victim(s) and a civic duty. That is not the same as calling the police on a black person who is doing nothing wrong.
You know, if you told the truth once in awhile, you would be taken more seriously. But since you have shown yourself to be both a pathological liar as well as a KKK-level racist, it is hard to take anything you say seriously, even if there is some truth in it.
History lesson: virtually all civil rights legislation that was intended to help black Americans was authored by Republicans.