
Actually, he does. That is why he is very proud of the positive effects his policies have had on the poor and minorities.

The good news is that police departments all across the country are purging themselves of these assholes, and many are even being prosecuted. But we should always honor and be grateful to LEOs properly doing their job.

Serena has nothing to apologize for. She is the greatest her sport has ever seen. But age catches up with all of us eventually. She cannot maintain her reign forever.

Are you really that ignorant? Guess who prosecuted the KKK?

No justice will ever be done for Emmett Till. But we still need to know the truth.

Seriously? Who was it that told Russia’s ambassador to tell Putin to wait until after the 2012 election, when the Prez would have more flexibility? Hint: it wasn’t a Republican.

If true, this is awful. And I remind everyone that Chicago is rum by Democrats, and has been for decades. And I have seen little outrage over the high murder rate in Chicago. Most of it is black-on-black. I guess the only murders that mater to The Root are white-on-black and cop-on black.

I am amazed you covered this. It does not fit with The Root narrative than whites never get prosecuted for that kind of crap.

Your skinfolk are right; you are wrong.

Actually, MAGA has benefitted black Americans enormously; proportionally more than white Americans. And Trump is very proud of that. Though I don’t like him personally, I will vote for him again because his polices are very good.

BS. Anyone of any race would have been arrested just as fast, and charged similarly. No, I am not being sarcastic.

The charge seems entirely appropriate.

Who really cares?

So why do you vote for them? Almost all laws that have benefitted black people have been written by Republicans.

Exactly what part of lower unemployment and higher wages for black people do you find objectionable and racist? And is not the job of ALL SCOTUS judges to interpret laws and the Constitution as written, and not to legislate from the bench? Is it not true that any judge who does not view his job this way is unqualified

At least the cops are getting tired of this. But I agree, the effect on kids’ psyches is terrible.

I don’t do Facebook. But I am amused by their commercials saying “something happened”, as though the crap they have been pulling was a random event and not a result of their own conscious decisions.

It is hard to tell who is telling the truth here. I am skeptical that a power company would turn off the power if they had been informed of the heath condition.

Whatever Trump is, he is no racist. Stop the lying.

I agree.