
#Mericamax is a first class asshole and an ignoramus. And the cop was in dereliction of his duty.

There is some truth in what you wrote, but it is outweighed by the incredible number of lies. The main premise, in fact, is a lie. And I can tell you that one of my former colleagues is a white southern gentleman who volunteered for missionary work in Haiti at least a dozen times. Yes, I bet that white guy has done

You don’t know what a Nazi is. It is a kind of socialist. The Nazi tactics are closer to the current Democrats than anything the Republicans do.

You just can’t handle people who disagree with you, especially when they are speaking the truth.

Apparently she missed the memo: Trump had already ordered children to be re-united with their parents weeks ago.

People who rejoice in higher wages and lower unemployment are self-haters? I guess starving to death is the epitome of self love.

Sadly, you are just as much a rabid racist as the Grand Wizard of the KKK.

They will be arrested and prosecuted. Guaranteed.

Racist or not, this couple are the neighbors from hell. That community needs a law to fine nuisance calls.

It is a terrible tragedy. This sort of thing is why I support mandatory cams on all cops, and they must be turned on at all times. It showed their bias. Roche needs to go to jail.

anus-to-mouth lies” pretty much describes everything you write.

The NRA would support him 100%. And they have been seeking black members actively for years.

That is one of the few things he wrote that is good.

Just because there are racist white assholes out there does not excuse you being a racist black asshole. And, BTW, Mexican music is not Spanish music. Mexicans do not even call themselves Hispanic. They reserve that term for people from Spain.

All my Indian friends are conservatives, in the mold of Dinesh D’Sousa. And they have good reason to be.

Are you talking about Michael Harriott? You should be.

Good for Sonoco. But you are still a racist pig and an unrepentant liar. The smell of it permeates everything you write.

You are right. And you have exposed more dishonest reporting by The Root.

Unfortunately, that did make it an assault, and not self defense. If he had stabbed the kid while under attack, the outcome would have been different.

Not true of illegal immigration. They commit a crime when they enter. That is very different from those who enter legally. BTW, all of the legal immigrants I know personally are conservative and vote Republican. The illegals almost all vote Democrat if they get naturalized. Think maybe that has something to do with