

How would you know?

You call others racist and then use the term “wypipo”? I bet you don’t even catch the hypocrisy.

I don’t buy your viewpoint. It seem to me that they are focusing on cases where the naturalization was fraudulent in the first place.

There is never any progress that results from “Progressive” policies. Just higher taxes, more crime, a stagnant economy and more racism.

Had she been a Republican, the local Democrats would have hounded her from the neighborhood.

Maybe they just think the music created by black people, both while enslaved and afterwards, is a cultural treasure (which it is), and just want to honor it. Did that ever occur to you? And if it is such a bad thing, should white people have protested when Kathleen Battle sang Puccini? How absurd would that be?

I don’t give a whit about what people call “cultural appropriation”. Every culture on Earth that has interacted with other cultures has borrowed from those cultures. And I have no problem with that. I defend the right of the organizers to do this performance, just as I defend the right of people who do not like it to

Are you calling the family a group of MF’s?

Who said she was white? I did not see that in the article.

At least that is funny.

What on earth are you talking about? Sounds like something you made up.

Considering that the profit level is probably about 1% of sales, pennies count for a lot. 

If so, the employee was Indian, not white. Not too many white guys named Rosh Patel. Which is not to say that Indians can’t be racist. But it doesn’t fit in to the White Supremacy narrative of The Root.

Living wage? You act as though business owe people such a thing. But the law of supply and demand does not guarantee such a thing. Employers pay what they can get people to accept, and in no case will they pay more that a wage that gives them a reasonable profit on the employee’s work product. Sometimes, that work

The police did nothing to deserve your opprobrium in this case. You citing them as somehow being bad is irrational on your part.

This employee clearly wasn’t the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. I feel sorry for the officer who had to respond to such nonsense, and to the Indian franchise owner, as well as the family affected. I also cannot imagine spending an hour at a Subway. When I go to one, I am in and out in less than 15 minutes,

Jail is probably going to be boring, too.

Terrible! No mother wants to outlive her son. I pray for God’s peace on the whole family.

By using the word “cracker”, you have shown yourself to be as much a racist as the gas station attendant.