
Kinda dumb on your part. You need to travel outside the USA. You might learn why so many people want to come here.

Indeed. Maybe people should have gone on the floor.

This is terrible and probably illegal. But what the hell does it have to do with Trump? Try a little honesty in your reporting.

What is it with The Root’s obsession with falsely accusing so many people of crying? I have seen no evidence that Dershowitz has been crying. But he is standing up for sound legal principles, and that is in spite of the fact that he is a Democrat. And he is wealthy because he is good at what he does. (Do you really

Do you ever get tired of lying? I saw no tears from Huckabee-Sanders. And your opposition to an administration that has dramatically improved the lives of Black Americans is pathetically irrational.

I want to hear their side of the story. The woman may have had a history of violence. Keep an open mind.

Do you see the irony that you and Harriott are both every bit as racist as this priest, and even the KKK?

Wrong. The Catholic Church is the actual one founded by Jesus Himself, when he appointed Peter as its first Pope. I was raised Catholic, and that is where I got my lifelong hatred of racism. I was taught it is a sin against God to doubt His wisdom or the sanctity of His creations, including people of all races, all of

Maybe you should try to understand the parable of the weeds and the wheat.

This idea is a waste of time. Lynching is murder, and the potential penalty is death in some states. Making it a hate crime does not increase the penalty or increase the deterrent effect.

I have been to Selma, AL and to the museum. The history is brutal. But there are people of goodwill there trying to heal the divide. It is taking longer than we would hope.

Are you really that dumb? Trump has enforced the harshest sanctions against Russia of any President since Kennedy. He killed hundreds of Russian soldiers in Syria. He is not the one who pressed the goofy “reset” button with Putin, or told the Russian ambassador to “be patient. Tell Vlad I will have more flexibility

On this, I agree with you. To me the Confederate Battle Flag and various other Confederate symbols and monuments, are symbols of both treason and the evils of racism and slavery. They belong in a museum as part of history, but no new ones should be created and publicly displayed.

Waters is just an execrable human being. And she is, indeed, a low IQ person, as evidenced by her moronic calling for the impeachment of Trump. Maybe she should look up “high crimes and misdemeanors”. Trump has done none of these while in office. On the other hand, there is ample evidence that both Obama and Clinton

Do you have any concept of what Naziism is? Waters has a lot in common with it: she has openly advocated violence against political opponents in the past. Trump never has. She even excused the beatings of Reginald Denny, who had done nothing wrong, unless you consider driving while white to be a crime.

How do you know the cops were racist? No evidence of that.

I feel sorry for Ms. Holt for having a neighbor like that. I hope the kid realizes that he has far more supporters than detractors. PS: If a kid accidentally cut part of my lawn, that would not upset me. He would be welcome to accidentally cut the whole thing!

Idiots do not get into Wharton. Trump’s IQ has been estimated as between 150 and 160. And he gets things done!

That makes you a racist too.

I am not denying what you say. But my Asian and Indian family and friends do not report similar experiences. I wonder why that is.