
All racism is evil. But racism on the part of The Root’s staff is allowed and even encouraged, Michael Harriott being just one exam

I guess you think record low unemployment for black Americans is a bad thing.

Caucasity? I don’t think that is a real word, just as Negrocity is not. And both faux words are rooted in racism.

I view Harriot as a liar and a racist. Yes, he writes well but what he writes is execrable.

This is surprising to me. I hope the kid finds a way. My advice would be to keep trying and consider less-expensive schools. 5 years after graduation, it does not matter where you went to school. What matters is how good of a job you do for your employer.

Can you try to write a coherent sentence?

Actually, those who call themselves “native Americans” did not all have ancestors who walked here. DNA analysis shows that many have ancient Viking blood, and many in the southern regions sailed here from Asia. So, quite a few got here by boat, and most have partial European ancestry.

You are right. But you need to tell that to a few writers on The Root.

Racism is indeed not new. It has existed in every culture that encountered people from another culture. But it in no way is the foundation of the USA. Those who believed in slavery have always been in the minority. Those who opposed it ultimately fought a war to end it. Many died in that effort. But I agree that

You know what is ironic? Most of those terms are used by Democrats, whether black, white, Latino or Asian.

Trump did not say Mexicans are rapists, criminals or whatever. What he said was they SEND us their rapists, etc. There is a very big difference between what he said and what you attributed to him.

He is a bit hard to understand. His thought processes seem erratic. But I agree with him about Trump. The facts support a positive view of Trump’s policies, if not the man himself.

It is rather ironic. Bahamas, I would guess, are 90% black people. I did not look up the stats to verify that guess.

Are you kiddinbg me? Who has done all of the violence against political opponents in the last 5 years? Liberals, that’s who.

Do you realize how stupid you sound when you refer to “white tears”? First of all, there are no tears, only anger. And that anger is shared by people of decency and goodwill of all races and even political philosophies. People can disagree and still be civil. But I guess that concept is pretty foreign on The Root.


I wish them well. Maybe they can get Big Bob Gibson’s BBQ joints to carry it. Beer+BBQ. Great Combo.

Do really believe the racist tripe you publish? Oh, BTW, a great many Southern Evangelical Christians are black.

As usual, you are the liar. Sanders did not cry at all. And on the rare occasion she treats anyone with disrespect, that person richly deserved it.

It’s spelled Heifer.