You don’t know. I have known many grumpy people who would call the cops on a kid of their own race.
You don’t know. I have known many grumpy people who would call the cops on a kid of their own race.
Could be...
I do not understand why there were no charges filed against this man. At a minimum, he violated traffic laws. That would have at least been good for a $75 fine. Not much of a punishment but it at least would send a little message. I hope Dr. Aguocha does file suit and wins it.
There is an intermediate position, which I happen to hold. Trump is a very flawed man; even a reprobate. But he is an effective leader, and his policies are demonstrably good for the country; especially good for blacks and Latinos. HRC, on the other hand, in addition to being a liar and a crook, favored policies that…
Didn’t happen. It was made up and paid for by HRC.
Arnold must have been smoking something. Cohen has already disavowed Arnold’s claims.
I just saw a married couple: black man, white woman. Their kids were beautiful and looked happy. No problem for me to see mixed race relationships.
By all means, get rid of bad cops like this. But praise the good cops, who put their lives on the line every day for all of us. That is the vast majority of them.
Not shocking to me at all. Most police departments do not tolerate bad cops.
I can’t agree with that. She was traumatized, but only for a few days. I think the compensation was adequate.
Wow, has it been 3 years already? That incident is very fresh in my mind. I am glad she got the settlement, and I am glad she will be using it to invest in herself and her career. But lets not demonize all cops because a few are a-holes.
If this accounting of events is true (and I do not automatically trust all that The Root publishes), the driver needs to be charged with attempted murder.
Racism of any kind is evil. You promulgate racism in every column you write. Ergo, you are evil. And I guess the many thousands of white people who fought and died to end slavery must have been cowards. Your reasoning is pathetic.
Did it occur to you that the vast majority of white Americans do not have slaveowners in their ancestry?
“They” are not doing any such thing. And “They” were always in the minority, even when slavery was legal. The majority of white Americans have always opposed it. They fought a war to end it.
She is a dumbass. Slavery is evil, period. And so is any form of racism. The irony is that you practice racism in every column you write, which kind of makes you evil, doesn’t it?
Ah, more vile racism from you. The irony is that you probably aren’t even aware of it.
I don’t really care what Prince Harry said. But Trump has done far more for black people in America than the last 3 presidents combined. But if you prefer lower wages and higher unemployment for black people, that is your problem.
Many times it does. It raises wages for all.