
It has nothing to do with black people per se. It has everything to do with the tax base. Follow the money.

So why don’t we have more youg black professionals entering these “creative” fields and become part of the urban renewal themselves? Could it be the Democrat policies that keep black people poorly educated by providing fraudulent education in inner city schools?

So you think public schools could not be improved by what Betsy wants to do? How could they get any worse?

Not mentioned herein is that Google is an overwhelmingly liberal organization.

Indeed. Christianity is supposed to follow the teachings of Christ, who certainly did not approve of slavery, and was part black himself. But what do you expect from Michael Harriot? He is a known serial liar.

Paul was not infallible. But nowhere in Romans 13 was the subject of race mentioned. Like those who take that verse out of context and mis-use it to justify things Paul and Jesus would never have approved of, you have taken it out of context to give it meaning that was never there. And you are still lying about Jeff

Jeff Sessions prosecuted the KKK. Anyone who pays attention knows that. So, if you did not know, you did not do your homework, and are an ignoramus. And if you did know and chose to smear Jeff anyway, you are a lying POS.

It could have been worse. “Bikini line...”

Heck I have seen turds rolling around in the kiddie section of water parks. Lotsa chlorine needed!

Why do you spend so much time writing about jackasses? A casual reader of your column might get the impression that such behavior is normal and commonplace.

Racism is definitely alive and well on The Root.

At least police departments are getting rid of these misfit officers.

Look up “non sequitur”.

Hard to prove a case that old.

Only because Michelle could kick Barack’s ass.

I really don’t care. The country is rapidly getting better under Trump.

Do you really believe in even 10% of the racist BS you spread here? If so, you seriously need mental help.

I don’t have a big problem with his sentence. But what happened to the white supremacist? He should get an equal or longer sentence.

Offensive, to be sure. But so is the idea that white male conservatives are both dumb and racist. First, how can the “party of the rich” (presumably conservative Republicans) be the stupid party? Are wealthy people less intelligent than poor people? Second, how can the political party that freed the slaves and

Most Alabama racists are Democrat.