The problem is that you have no standing to call anyone else racist, as you are as racist as the worst of them. And maybe you should study a bit more what Jesus (who was part black ancestry) preached. He certainly did not preach any kind of racism.
The problem is that you have no standing to call anyone else racist, as you are as racist as the worst of them. And maybe you should study a bit more what Jesus (who was part black ancestry) preached. He certainly did not preach any kind of racism.
I never expected to hear praise of a white man from you. There is hope in the world after all. In my experience, there are a lot more white people who are sensitive to racial disparities than not. Too many columns on The Root focus on the minority who are real pricks.
You are losing that battle. Black support of Republicans is increasing. Facts matter. The economy matters.
Black power has been increasing under Trump faster than under any previous president since Lincoln. Higher wages, lower unemployment, more home ownership, etc. The “Progressive” agenda would turn back the clock on these gains.
Statistics do not support the premise of your article.
It was really a dumb question. I doubt that anyone intimidates Serena.
They should have used female loss prevention officers. I don’t think we have enough data to say it was racial profiling. People steal stuff from stores all the time, and it takes about $100 of new sales to cover the loss from $1 of stolen property. It is a big problem. But the accused needs to be handles with more…
Heroic kid. But maybe a bit foolish. Had the thug been armed, the kid might be dead. If he could have escaped before the car got moving, that would have been wiser.
Do you ever tire of being a racist a-hole?
That is why they made safety switches.
Take a look at south Chicago if you want to see what happens without law enforcement.
You are nucking futz.
I like the word ”eschew”. And it is not really an unusual word. I had to learn it in junior year of high school.
It show the value of bodycams. Police should be suspended for being on active duty without them turned on.
Yeah, Trumpites hate black people so much, they support polices that reduce black unemployment, increase their wages, increase home ownership, increase the black labor participation rate and decrease the number needing food stamps. How awful!
She says whatever she thinks will win her support at the time.
I have always thought Serena was beautiful. I would never mistake her for a man. Many strong, muscular women such as Serena have a feminine shape and be sexy.
It is based on the concept that each person owns himself. Do you object to that?
You are completely full of it.
I am mostly Libertarian. That means I believe in personal freedom and economic responsibility. He is in no way Libertarian.