Indeed. And if you vote for elected officials who promise to take other people’s money and give it to you, you are just as guilty of theft as a street mugger.
Indeed. And if you vote for elected officials who promise to take other people’s money and give it to you, you are just as guilty of theft as a street mugger.
Sadly, one response to the racism of the past is racism toward white people. Just adding more evil to the world.
You do know that the murder rate is far greater among black males, don’t you? Not intrinsically so, IMHO, but nonetheless it is a fact.
I am sure Harriot agrees with you. He is a flaming racist and a liar.
You have basically said that white people are intrinsically different from black people, when you said “..whitest thing these ears have ever heard.” You unwittingly gave ammunition to the David Dukes of the world, and all those who think people of different races are intrinsically different, and those whose mantra was…
That is not British culture. They do not normally cheer or clap during a religious service.
Michael Curry was magnificent and inspiring. But your reportage was full of racial stereotypes, which demean all of us. And whatever else you say, my bet is that Meghan loves all of her family, be they black or white.
An epidemic? Hardly. Even if you could find an incident of this sort daily (and I don’t think you can; you do seem to report all that you can find), there are 330 million people in the USA. If one incident per day happens, that is a rate of 0.000009% of the population per month.
You are losing this battle.
I am stunned that you reported this. Maybe there is hope for The Root after all. Journalism should always be about facts.
You have something against Jesus? Jesus loves all people, including all black people. In fact, he was part Abyssinian, meaning part black.
If you feel that way about Hobby Lobby, why do you ever go there? Are you a masochist? Frankly, with you doing the reporting, I have my doubts about the veracity of the story.
The police behavior was quite normal. The lady’s behavior wasn’t. But you report all incidences of racism as though they are normal. No balance! I guess you fear you would be out of a job if racism or perceived racism ever dried up.
No. But it is imperfect. It is a much better system than any I have seen in other countries. But any system creates errors; sometimes major ones.
That is a real travesty of justice.
You assume that this was because of racism, but the facts do not show that conclusively. Maybe she really did stink, intolerably so. I have been around such people before. It can be very unpleasant; I have come close to vomiting because of it. But I would never ask a person to leave a plane because of it.
The original video was a complete waste of my time. I won’t bother to watch the remake.
Yeah, fight racism with racism. That oughta work.
Maxine is just as much of a nut case as Pelosi. And you seem to have missed Kelly’s point entirely.
I do think too many people with a power trip for an ego are allowed to be cops. Better psychological screening is needed.