
I think Robison is trying to do the right thing. We will see what happens.

Your answer to racism is to make a racist claim. Nice.

As a barbecue purist, I object to using the term “barbecue” to describe grilled food. Real barbecue involves indirect heat, a lot of smoke and many hours cooking time.

There are far more people like Snider than like the woman who called the cops. The Root needs more balance in their reporting. I would like to see people fined for calling the police for non-emergency situations, even if the action they are calling about is technically illegal, as it was in this case. But it is a

If I were a cop, I would be very annoyed at having to respond to such crap. They have better things to do.

Yes, he needs to go to jail. From the looks of him, I would guess he is what we would call mentally challenged.

What do you expect from white liberals? They think black people owe them their votes, even though all major civil rights legislation was authored by Republicans. Strange world!

Well, you got me to watch the video. 4 minutes of my time wasted.

You and Anglin are two sides of the same coin: both of you are vile racists.

Actually, liberalism and socialism is what happens when people don’t read books. History has shown that socialism does not work, and that capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system ever devised. Everything you own was brought to you by capitalism. And Trumponomics has already

That is comical. Whatever Trump did with Daniels, it was done before he was even a candidate, and the hush money was perfectly legal.

If you think it was Trump, the guy must be disappointed. After all, Trump’s policies have resulted in the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded among Black Americans, highest home ownership rate, rising wages, etc. Yep, Trump really knows how to smite black people with an improved standard of living.

Fact? You just made that up.

Freedom of speech is intended to protect even hateful speech.

A two-year old is not strong enough to inflict such injuries.

We do seem to be less civil as a society these days. But don’t blame it on Captain Kirk.

Who cares?

There is no legal case.

It is good that you watch Hannity. Too bad you don’t learn anything from it, and make up stuff about the motives and methods.

Only fools hang on to every word of celebrities. Celebrities are not necessarily any more knowledgeable than anyone else. Now, as for what Kanye said, I think he probably was referring to the slave mentality that persists today, even though slavery has been gone in the USA for over 150 years. There is no one alive in