Rod Millington

I will totally give up my ride to feed my addiction. My addiction to sucking oxygen, I got hooked on breathing at an early age and I am not ready to give it up for anything. Certainly not for a lump of metal, no matter how savage the car market is right now.

I like my car. I like being alive much more.  So much so, that I’d be willing to give up my car in an attempt to stay alive.  Of course, it’s not a 100% success rate, but if I’m dead, what good is my car to me anyways?

Lately I’ve also seen a lot of SUVs without taillights on running only on DRLs AT NIGHT.

I’m so tired of these droopy-ass “wagons” with their slanting rear windows.

Going all black is very apropos because Mitsubishi is a shadow of its former self.

An “Australian” clock.   I actually have a similar one, since I’m an expat Aussie.

Very mildly, For the rich, it’s been a veritable golden shower.

“When I do it it’s stunning and brave, when they do it they’re sad losers.”

I had absolutely zero problem saying “Fuck Trump” during his entire time in office and to the present day.”

I am shocked, shocked! to learn the mouthpiece for this particular cryptocurrency is apparently a humongous douche. 

Yeah, I’d love to fucking move on.  But I’ve got two kids under 5 that can’t be vaccinated yet.  I have to think about them.  And yes, it’s going to be endemic, but our hospitals are fucking full.  Right now.  So stop being a selfish asshole, and think about others for a minute.


Yeah, we’re going to wait until February or March and see if there are any CX-5s they’re trying to unload. Used cars prices are so insane it doesn’t really seem to make much sense to do anything but buy new. But maybe by then used prices will have started creeping back down. We’ll see... 

Good examples. Been a line worker, later in life I worked next to the engineers. They have it rough as well. The crazy shit they have to deal with is unbelievable. They get it from all sides. From line issues to vendor service problems to supply problems.

I worked with factories - as an engineer - but not automated ones. A buddy of mine worked on those, dealing with transport systems and bemoaned the number of times someone wanted a smoke break and literally used a wrench to signal that desire. It was big stuff - he said one transport snagged an I-beam and bent it

Well that didn’t take long.

Having worked in factories, I have BOTH respect and loathing for factory workers.

I had the same thought, this seems like they’re deliberately trying to push people away from manual transmissions

Ha, would that it were so. Still can’t get the manual Mazda3 with the turbo. So much for top spec.