
it’s called “solidarity”

I support those workers when the’re struggling, because if they win it makes the entire working class stronger.

pretty much everything the working class ever achieved was due to solidarity

As for “greedy”.... you mean the CEO and the rich people that own the company

May or may not get read, since I’m late to the party. I think everyone has different driving habits and different ideas about what makes drivers ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ There’s some dissonance between those who think the law is their justification vs those who think their skill works the same way.

I don’t often agree with you Bradley but I am solidly in your camp on this.


Hmmm. Perhaps I’m too laissez faire, and certainly the actual sensors involved may show a more serious outcome for vehicle occupants, but superficially, those crash tests don’t look nearly as bad as plenty of others I’ve seen. Having lived most of my life driving vehicles *without* side airbags, it’s not as if I

Huh, I see tons of drivers do that in 4000 pound steel cages. Bicyclists generally break traffic laws because they aren’t designed for bikes and it’s safer. 

I don’t agree with you on this.

This take is patently... wrong.

Shamlessly stolen/reposted from Matthew Somerfield’s twitter.