Rod Haney


Wow, you've sure put me in my place. You must feel sooooo good about yourself.
I'll just go sit in the corner and wait for your prayers to accomplish something,,, anything at all.
Good day sir.

You're right on one lone point. The flag of bigotry will continue to fly so long as there are right wing conservative christians who feel they have the right to force their religion/cult on everyone, and enforce their backwards views on homosexuality, women's reproductive rights, and minorities.
Have a nice day. =)

There's no saying that she did read the entire script. At least not in front to back.
As a matter of fact, most films are not produced in order. Filming in sequence is quite rare. Budgetary reasons, restrictions on when they can use locations for filming, time constraints, availability of the actors, or in this case

Please don't. I'd rather you did something constructive than talk to air.
And seriously, bigotry? Coming from a christian, that's funny.
An FYI people have rights, your beliefs don't.

Actually we can.
Since the only people who would believe in the non sense of this movie also believe in the non sense of the bible.
The bible is just as much unfounded bullshit as this stupid movie.