
I think this is the year superhero fatigue sets in. Guardians and Cap 2 look interesting, but I just find myself less and less excited about news like this.

I'd go even further and say fiction, across the board, has no obligation to realism. At most, it must be internally consistent—but that's it.

I don't think you're good at law, I think you're bad at story.

I have no issues at all with the unresolved aspects. Of anything in the finale, I think the fact that there are unresolved plot threads ties in the best with TD's themes. Problem is, that's the *only* thing that ties in well with TD's themes. Everything else is either cliched horror/police procedural, or a

Dunno, I felt like the last episode was egregiously bad. Errol is a Texas Chainsaw Massacre/Norman Bates pastiche that we've seen a million times and a series that really reached for literature and philosophy ended on an extended haunted house sequence and a Light/Dark dichotomy totally at odds with the more complex

Adam Driver was a Marine…

I've been okay with some uneven character moments, but I think Helix officially lost me on this episode. Tumor Doctor doesn't inform the team of infected on their level because… tumor, then decides to give morphine a try because… tumor. Evil Mysterious Asian acts mysterious then goes back on his word because EVIL

I think they really want the show to have a Half-Life/Umbrella Corp vibe but I don't see it anywhere aside from the main theme.