
Re your next to last paragraph, for me that band was Matchbox 20. I made a handy guide to help people determine "Who Sings That Song I've Heard a Thousand Times But I Never Gave Enough of a Crap About to Look Into Who it Is?" For the seventies the answer is Todd Rundgren or Eddie Money but maybe Orleans, for the

Those were the four I objected to being on this list. I also think they're too hard on "Old Brown Shoe."

The most impressive thing about the writing is how un-self-indulgent it is. It would be so tempting, I imagine, to go all Tarantino on the dialogue and let Paulie and Christopher ramble on for hours, for example, but the writers never let that sort of showing-off get in the way of the story. Story always comes first.

Yeah, clunky is a good word for that one. I have watched the series three times, the last time pretty recently, and I still think it's the best TV series ever. There were a few dud episodes and some whole plots that I could have done without (I got real bored whenever much time was spent on Melfi's family, especially

There really aren't that many songs about rainbows.