
I get that there's always going to be suspicion, after this guy's coming off a great year for him and the franchise. But at the same time, you can't be caught with illegal drugs and expect to face absolutely zero consequences from the League.

Jamie said you don't ask about battery life.

The real question here: will I still be able to make $5,347 a week working from home for Goggle like my aunt does? She just bought a new BMW btw..

So wait, he now has half of what he had going in? I think my ex-wife invented that trick.

I don't need to see your face to know you're being moody as hell right now

Interesting. If anything, I have the opposite problem—I've told it too many times that I'm not interested in stuff so it doesn't show me enough.

Too bad none of the features on this list include not killing your battery. I like Google Now and it's great for a quick look at my route home or tracking packages. But it can destroy a battery with it's location reporting.

I recently upgraded to a HTC One M8 and it's battery is good enough I can leave these

Aleks Krotoski has an interesting take on Google Now's serendipity, and how it's more limited than you might think.

The most impressive thing about that clever video was the effort and money wasted producing it.

No one cares.

For those who know about such things, X-Art is really good at what they do.

I love Drew's writing, but wonder: what does he do for work all week, other than the usual Tue/Thu columns?

Agreed. Samer needs to put more thrust behind his hips, and try it with a human instead of a mattress.

youre fucking wrong

"Wrong kid." - Donald Sterling

As a lawyer I may have a different perspective, but I don't see anything wrong with this. GM employees aren't being prevented from talking frankly about the problem, they are just being encouraged to talk about the problem without making a qualitative judgment. It's perfectly rational to discourage a discussion that