
I'm gonna sit over here smugly eating my Trader Joe's honey greek yogurt. :D

There are different levels of good and bad. Seaworld is... bad. But a lot of zoos and aquariums are dedicated to outreach, species survival, and providing a home for animals injured by humans. And all of those are good things. :-)

Right there with you. "Divorced" is technically a piece of paper, but it happens long before that paperwork is signed. (Mine only "dragged on" a year, and that was long enough. Two years and with a kid? Cannot even imagine.) And I've never heard her say "oh, I lived in a trailer for years" - just that living in a

Oh, I was being completely serious in my response! It's just not the sort of thing you'd find "old money" doing.

So who is renting these rooms?

Yeah, my fiancé's ex tried the "never really threatened..." line. The federal police didn't feel the same way. :|

The facility where I "should" go to get our marriage license is only open 9-4, M-Friday. I "can" go to another facility in another county if I want to, which is nice, because there's only one anywhere near me that's open until 7pm (on Weds only).


Oh, I bet the wedding industry will fight this quietly, quickly. No one wants to threaten chasing wedding money to other states.

True, she did 'fall' formally from that background (and has talked about knowing she disappoints her family, at times).

Honestly? Probably not. Maybe one, who is very thin but wears them because "there's this bulge" when she bends (she's young, has body image issues, and takes post-production, Photoshopped models as the ideal); she was disturbed to learn it might make her digest more slowly (because that will make her heavier on the

...there're a lot of fast weddings in the Christian fungelical movement for a reason.

Holly Hobby Couture.

That's verging on bib!

Conceptually, I like this version of color block outfits. It'll be interesting to see if anyone translates it to ready-to-wear.

I think you have a much higher opinion of women , generalized, than may be warranted. (My Facebook timeline is almost completely relatives, as that's what I use it for. Last night, they were all talking about this study, SHOCKED to learn that Spanx does these things. A quick poke around other social media sites shows

Ah Kinja, bite me.

Thanks! I fully acknowledge the irony in me telling anyone to be concise. :D

A white dude "agree to disagree"'d me this morning.

Oh fine, I'll wrestle Kinja.