
Dude managed several successful limb reattachment surgeries (albeit with robotics instead of actual limbs). I just don't see him pulling that off and still believing in humors….

Pam, you are the worst HR person who has ever existed.

So definitely not a two thumbs up from you?

The horse?

Yes, yes it would have. Particularly out of a short barrel.

Could anyone make out what she was saying there?

"I don't normally take much issue with the treatment of women on Supernatural (we did, after all, get the likes of Ruby and Charlie), but come on."

I seem to recall that Archer's been saved by Lana's empty magazine at least once before, too.


Yeah; Albert Magnus is what they went by when they were going incognito.

Sinclair, IIRC.

I'm glad Snooki's cameo was so short. I don't think I could have watched an entire episode with her in it; she can't act her way out of a wet paper bag.

Did none of you people play pep band in High School?

A bit odd he wasn't at drums, though, considering his obsession with nailing YYZ.


Truly it was all Krieger. Archer even made sure he put the safety on.