
I really, really don’t understand the allure of the Birkin bag. To my eyes, it’s clunky and outmoded, despite its recent availability in a variety of “modern” finishes. Is it the same as driving around an old Range Rover? It’s uncomfortable, ugly, unreliable, slow and inefficient to the extreme, but it leasts shows

Not just no but hell no. For some reason, VWs of this vintage just don’t age well. Mileage doesn’t matter. It’s like the very soul of the car starts to degrade. $7k for a 20+ year-old VW is way too much to begin with, but I’d be ND even at $3k. This thing would nickel-and-dime you into the poor house.

I can’t be the only one that actually likes dandelions.  They’re great for pollinators and you can eat the greens and use the flowers to make alcohol!  That said, the typical “jerky” neighbor is very likely the type that has a meticulous putting green for a lawn.  The sight of a single happy dandy would drive this

I didn’t even know Lincoln made anything like this.  It’s kind of an interesting relic, but it just doesn’t make any sense.  Confused ND. 

Wow. I generally tried to keep up with the discussion thread on a daily basis, so I’d read all of these except the creepy uncle one. It wasn’t as scary as it was riveting and sentimental in a spooky sort of way.

The only other “prepayment” you might make is applying your refund to what you’ll owe next year. This head start may be useful if you’re self-employed and have difficulty setting aside taxes over time.

Guessing his XXXL Adult Diaper forces him to sit a certain way. 

$25K seems high, but I NP’d it because you’re not likely to ever see one of these again. 

Welker doesn't have the mute button

Can you imagine? I would have used that opportunity to tweet something Trumpian that could make a world of difference... like: “I, Donald J. Trump, do hereby order the Senate to cease confirming Coney Barrett. I have TREMENDOUS plans I will release shortly. I repeat, DO NOT confirm Coney Barrett. We are going to KEEP

You’d think so, but these fine individuals also have AR-15s equipped with bump stocks. And those Hillary/Biden/AOC/Omar targets ain’t gunna shoot themselves. The best way to own the libturdz is to fire $150 worth of ammo into a piece of paper from 10 yards in a span of 5 minutes.

Everyone, and I mean everyone likes to play the hardship card. This includes an acquaintance of mine lamenting the “thin years” during his parents’ divorce. He was living in a gated community built around the finest golf course in the entire state at the time. It sure was tough going on only one ski vacation, and

The seeds for the current hyper-partisan morass were sown long ago. The seedlings really started to take hold during the GWB years. It’s astonishing to me that anybody can look back to that era as a “simpler time.” I could see a “leader” and administration like Trump’s coming from a mile away.

On the off chance that Biden actually takes office after (or without) a drawn-out kangaroo court slanted toward installing Trump for the rest of his life, it will most definitely become “a time for healing as a nation.” Translation: status quo. And possibly some mild whining about McConnell and “our darned

ND because it’s in Connecticut.  It’s going to be a war of attrition with the rust demons. 

I can only imagine this is seen as a major plus for his voting base. 

NP with the slant 6.  ND without. 

It’s a Volvo 242 or 245 Turbo. And honestly, I blew my best shot on the unicorn. I want to say it was 5-6 years ago, a basically mint white 245 Turbo went up for sale in the bay area. I think it sold for well over $10K. I justified not going after it because what I wanted to do was pull out the fun-but-underpowered

Instead he’s cracking a beer at 9 a.m., and you have to watch the presidential debates in separate bedrooms.

After last night, I think any talk of Dalton “possibly being elite” is dead.  The question is now how much the Cowboys will give up for Matthew Stafford.  As a Lions fan, I’d see if the Lions could somehow con Jerruh into doing a straight swap for Prescott.