
Call me crazy, but I always kind of liked the shape of this generation of Blazer. Yes, they were incredibly ubiquitous, and double-yes they were a slap in the face to the “real” Blazers of yore (the ones that competed with Jeeps and “real” Broncos), but the lines and proportions work for me. 

This is my favorite one yet. 

Definitely a puma.  Glad you stayed safe!

Nope, just Patriots. 

BEHOLD!  The master race!

He’s very clearly still up on steroids. In other news, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a real superhuman, tested positive for COVID-19 after initially being cleared as cured (a series of negative tests).  Trump isn’t out of the woods yet. 

Who are the wise-asses that ruined a perfectly-good shot at 100% ND??

There will be once she’s in the SCOTUS. That’s for damned sure.

I will have to try the phony car thing.  I get about one call a week from these warranty houses asking about a car that I no longer own.  I tell them that, and they immediately jump to “well, what other cars do you have?”  Can’t wait to hear how they respond to a Bugatti. 

She could drop trou and leave a massive turd on the senate floor and they’d still ram her through.

tHe rEyNolDs pAmPhLet!  Have you read this??!

I wonder if Vegas is taking action yet on where Dak ends up. The Lions should send Stafford and a pick or two to Dallas in exchange for Dak. He’d most definitely get paid in Detroit. Forget about winning anything meaningful, though.

What’s sad is that Kenny G is apparently a blazingly-talented jazz musician. He just found a style that could make him massive amounts of money and rolled with it. He’s viewed with a mix of reverence in scorn in the PNW jazz scenes, because everybody knows how talented he is but he also turned his back on “jazz” and

Triggered by the MA license plate.  This thing is a rust heap waiting to oxidize. 

Professional basketball has been too, uh, “urban” for Trump voters since about 1957. 

Why don’t they just lie?

She could be having an active and public affair with Osama bin Laden’s corpse, and she’d still win in a landslide.

These are the same people that fly an American Flag, Confederate Flag and Trump Flag on the same pole in front of their dilapidated single-wide trailers. 

Trump’s evangelical base would gleefully butcher their own babies and hand-feed pieces of the carcass to their Dear Leader.

The NFL season shouldn’t have happened.  I hope it ends up cancelled.