Rocky Mountain High

He didn’t fail at all - Hillary should thank him for stumping for her when she and her campaign ran a terrible race

You’re buying into the hyperbowl and thus causing problems. Of course Dukes is embracing Trump and positioning this as something where Trump is in partnership with them. That is false, that is a narrative the far left will want to push and all it does is cause more division.

Let us know when you’re all done blaming the world for the terrible campaign that Clinton and her team ran.

Yeah that makes sense. Blame the guy who mobilized a movement even with the DNC working against him. He then supports Clinton even in the face of revelations he was cheated. He stumps for her. He campaigns for her and SHE didn’t see the wood for the tree’s HER campaign failed to show up in MI or WI for months. SHE

Actually you should write a piece called ‘Fuck Hillary Clinton’ and here’s why. She stole the candidacy from the democrat voters. Not before she sowed enough seeds of doubt with the American people over her post Benghazi statements and then her constantly changing story on her email server that later would reveal a