
there's a local tv station that shows a few older aired-in-fullscreen sitcoms that were widescreened at some point so they have black bars on the sides. For some reason they are now broadcasting them squared off, but instead of cutting the sides they add gray bars at the top and bottom, and now they have black bars on

You seem like a lot of fun, we should hang out.

Unless the nickname 'handle' has shifted away from half-gallon then you may have exaggerated a bit. It's still a good story.

*Posts video from Billy Madison about being stupider for having endured this nonsense.*

For a lot of people it's seeing the heights mankind can reach, how the very best play. I get it, but I lost interest in my late 20s. For some it's the geekery, baseball is arguably more boring than futbol to watch but they keep statistics on every single thing you can think of, which appeals to statistically minded

Wouldn't a 'Boston Cream Pie' accent, by definition, be custard-thick? (I see what you did there, in other words.)

I used to think I was culturally aware, then I read some hatesong articles and had heard of… I wanna say 3 of the people interviewed, a guess without clicking over to check. I still think I am as culturally aware as I need to be; 'guy in that one band that is successful in that he doesn't have to work a day job

Just had to mention how very, very old I feel since I remember quite well when this song was on the radio as a current song. True Story: Record company weasels changed them to "Scandal featuring Patty Smyth" before this album came out which I always felt led to the implosion of the band and her Smoky Robinsoning off

True story: Referring to people with 'that' rather than 'who' came up in a grammar snobbery group that I frequent on the interwebs. It is a huge pet peeve of one of the more vocal members. Someone else pointed out that using 'that' in this context has become rather commonplace in the last 200 years and cited examples.

I once worked with a guy that told me a convoluted story about a trapdoor in the floor of his den that he rigged up to hide his porn from his wife under the house. I must've hesitated too long before nodding in gleeful agreement because he gave me an exaggerated, "Just kidding, wouldn't that be crazy?" or some such