At least we can rest assured that they’re 1000x louder on the internet than the real world.
At least we can rest assured that they’re 1000x louder on the internet than the real world.
He simply lacks the vocabulary to describe things. Everything is “perfect” or “beautiful” or “tremendous.”
Glancing at the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, “Chapter 37. The Verdict,” (if I’m interpreting it correctly) the defendant, before jury selection, has the option of putting in writing that they want the jury to assess punishment in the case of a guilty verdict. They may change their mind with the approval of the…
Just about every leader aside from Putin, Kim and Mohammed bin Salman have that, “Fuck, this guy again?” look.
That it took the jury a mere handful of hours of deliberation gives me hope.
That it took the jury merely a handful of hours of deliberation gives me hope.
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and…
What’s great about the human brain that these nets will help protect: it, after a short while, can “trick” the eye and filter the nets out somewhat as unnecessary noise.
Oh, he’s going to love that hit, especially because Doyle was kneeling on the play.
She’s not a prop, she’s a goddamn lead in this play.
So true, I don't know what to do anymore.
Chill the fuck out. Last time I walked by it was just a regular espresso stand; apparently it was indeed a bikini barista operation for a short while. Mea culpa.
No doubt...I’m hesitant to cook bacon fully clothed.
If it’s Seattle in winter, gotta buy a plane ticket for that sorta thing.
It wasn’t a bikini-barista operation prior to this relaunch; it was merely an espresso stand, similar to Vivace across the street and down a block.
I still can’t believe that he is a shade over 37 years old. Racism is not good for the skin (ironically).
I still can’t believe that he is a shade over 37 years old. Racism is not good for the skin (ironically).
Reddit. Definitely reddit.
So according to Trump, reducing pollution is being “politically correct.” What a fucking rube. Someone should take a shit on the Oval Office desk: “Hey, wouldn’t want to NOT shit on the desk...that’s political correctness run amok!”
Any band that thinks “her placenta falls to the floor” is a good lyrical idea needs their ASCAP membership revoked.