Rocky Biddle Oysters

Build a see-through wall around it.

The assholes who voted Barry Bonds MVP 7 times and Roger Clemens Cy Young 7 times are the same people keeping them out of the HOF.

A MAGA hat these days has the same connotations as a swastika armband.

How DID you find your way out of the greys?

I’ll take not seeing the Patriots at all over potential schadenfreude.

It’s called a back-and-forth between the author and reader.

According to HUD, in 2017 there were ~40,000 homeless veterans.

It’s perfect. It’s the kind of spread a five-year-old would ask for on his birthday, so it’s on-brand Trump.

Really, they aren’t facing a warrant for FTA?

Makes’s human nature to fit in to the cultural norms.

She’s a Huckabee. I’d say she doesn’t give a shit.

He’d certainly be rapt for the Drogo-raping-Khaleesi scenes.

Coming out on the “pro-drunk driving” side isn’t starting the argument off on solid ground.

...perpetrated by needledicks, ironically.

With an (un)healthy dose of aggression, as well.

My elderly mom took the time to research and purchase an OEM BMW Oil Travel Bag along with BMW synthetic.

Gotta clear my YouTube watch history, because God only knows what recommendations I get after that one.

Don’t forget the willingness to look the other way or scream DUE PROCESS when it comes to that pouty diva’s history of sexual assault!

I’ve had motor oil, Seafoam, and tons of cleaning solutions delivered, left in the apartment building package locker without a hitch.

Fuck this guy.