

It's not just Trump. It's that we're looking at a Republican-controlled executive branch, two Republican-controlled legislative branches, and what will surely be a conservative-leaning appointee to the Supreme Court. Yes, Trump will be able to advance his agenda, because he won't be facing a modicum of the

I saw Waterworld in the theater and…actually kind of liked it. Yeah, both the overall premise and the Smokers were ridiculous and made no sense, but it's a decent-enough post-apocalyptic action flick with some cool moments and interesting ideas. I dunno. Maybe I was easier to please in my late teens than I am, now. On

I had that experience, recently, watching Drop Dead Gorgeous, which I'd never seen. I was, like, "Oh, cool, Brittany Murphy! Oh, wait…she died." Then I ate my feelings.

I actually really dug Seven Mary Three's second record. There, I said it.

Is "Do it, Rockapella!" really a popular catch phrase? Man, I'm so out of touch - this is just like when I first heard about Skrillex.

*Highest of fives*

Yes, this, exactly. I went on something of a rant about it in my own comment, but I found it analogous to the concept of reincarnation - every time through, Roland is making little improvements, moving closer to whatever's at the end.

I could not disagree more about the ending to The Dark Tower. I don't find it cliche at all - cliche would have been if everything was wrapped up with a nice bow in typical epic fantasy fashion. Instead, King asks a little more of us as a reader, in a way that is at once kind of Buddhist and also an honoring of the

This is the wrongest article in the history of wrong articles on the Internet. Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

…are you saying that's a bad song? I love that song! Then again, technically, that is a Destroyer song that the NPs just covered, so it might be disqualified from the discussion.