
@Denver: I wouldn't mind trying some spinach bacon bleu stuffed pigeon... I'd really really make a dent in their population...

@TuCara: You don't know how glad I am to hear you gave that up... I have walked into the apple store many times... each time hoping to get a different vibe... but I swear... I feel like that apple symbol... it's too deliberate of the following statement: As Eve did to Adam; as she offered the apple of knowledge, Adam

@alexLmx6: Yeah! I feel you on the modem; I needed a floppy drive... of all the darned things that could still be required nowadays with cd's and usb drives... and old stuff that means something? boy I also have my first phone, headphones; laptop; and the list goes on... and no... as long as you have the means to

@acidrain69: I know the feeling; I get it every time I pack and unpack when I move... granted most of it can stay in it's containers but... it's the fact that it's 75% of what I move and it requires a bigger truck... but if you're anything like me... our jobs provide us the means to afford the hoarding consequences...

If another word for this is packrat; then I am guilty, my excuse is that one day I'll have a use for whatever it is I'm keeping, and more often than not I do end up using it; and more often than not; it's someone else that doesn't like my hoarding that needs it... and that is my moment of redemption... I get to scream

Sounds like a job for: Planet Express!

@The_Vitto: *tears* I know the feeling... I know...

@Denver: I know; it's such a cute little apple... didn't anyone learn anything from Snow White? they're all just sleep walking and plunking their cash down... scary, I fear they'll be the first to become zombies in the zombie apocalypse...

@MJDeviant: Exactly... the same idiots (sorry I mean intelligent rich human beings) who bought ipads and iphones will probably buy this too.. and next thing you know they'll have apple organs implanted in them in the near future...

@lewis82: Hello from Iran; we love your planet even if we haven't seen it, but please if you get this message; death to Americans first... we would be eternally grateful to you aliens. Goodbye.

@Stem_Sell: A hub's throw away from being called a 'lunatic' where's your R God now?

@JohnnyricoMC: isn't it that there's no gears because you pedal the wheel itself?

@mnerd: I thought that was the 107th bar he visited whilst looking for a mate...

@Charliehorse: just remember; even on the most exalted throne you are still sitting on nothing but your ass...

@hawkeye18: I'm confused as to the fact that there are no labels... for someone that has no idea which product is which; are they to assume the article stating "kindle and Ipad" makes i that the Kindle is on the left and the Ipad is on the right?

@jjswee: or clenching and un-clenching their fists in rage...

@JakeMG: Ω Man: Yes because man hands are rough; and female hands are smooth... so smooth...