
@CowZ: Yeah I have one of these in my pants... never misses...

@vein11: perhaps a hollow crucifix...?

@Stem_Sell: They should have used it to do an aerial take on all this with an RC helicopter...

The real interpretation of the 4th dimension; or traveling in it...: Imagine the following: You are making sweet love to your 25 year old wife. As you do this you have the power to go back and forth (no pun intended) in time; one minute you are having sex with her at 25 years; next minute at 65 years; the next minute

@SAThorn: And he's gone bonkers...

@KamWrex: If you were a 4d traveler you'd have special goggles to slow or speed up time as you targeted into your specific time frame and place you need to be at...and a special gps; and a special ship... etc...

Imagine if they got a family of mexicans worth of lottery tickets... they could buy a mansion and a car for each member of the family...

@Zinger314: I can wait for them to integrate the "bump" feature... I'll be running into every hot chick on a bike and collecting phone #'s.... ha ha...

@CaptainJack: Awesome; I always wanted a Jackson Pollock filter... can you make an "instructables" page? Thanks...

@TheCrudMan: Since when is photojojo for pros anyways?

I dunno why I get the feeling those are fake; at least the "sand" looking ones... 4 and 7 look fine; and what's with the hand reflected on the last one? makes no sense to me... as for 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 I don't know what they were photographing near; a screen door perhaps? cuz it almost makes it look like the texture on

#1 Needs the guy to have glasses and a pitchfork... #4 is photoshop ... j/k

@mecha2142: BRAINS.... delicious brains...

@dolo54 blows minds and blows engines!: Dude the guy was like so monotone; if I was part of the crew that designed/built this I'd be ecstatic... I mean I know he was reading; but half of that I could have just come up in my own words just waiting to tell you all about this cool awesome stuff... oh well. That's my rant

@hawkeye18: correction; someone threatened to attack their headquarters with several storm troopers armed with these and set to "kill"

@tomsomething: If they're going to "examine my balls" does that count as my required prostate exam? No cold hands; sounds good to me...

If they're going to "examine my balls" does that count as my required prostate exam? No cold hands; sounds good to me...

@Matt LeGault: Abstract: The tract of well defined abs... I can do that...