Rocko Jerome

He was the one who had no show on his show the night Carson retired. Night After Night that night was just an empty desk with a sign that said WATCH CARSON…with commercial breaks. Try that shit now. He's done very little acting, he's kind of a comedian's comedian I think. He was on a particularly memorable episode of

I've been a fan of Allan Havey for decades, since watching Night After Night on the old Comedy channel as a kid. It's astounding how unlikeable he's managed to make himself on this show as Lou. What a great actor he's turned out to be.

And this is why we can't have nice things.

It was all very well cast, that's for sure. Part of what made that stuff work so well was that "George Lucas The Genius" wasn't a thing yet, and none of the actors were afraid to call him on his shit.

Somewhere there's a documentary where they talk to Ron Howard about when American Graffiti was being filmed, and he would talk to Lucas about directing and how his next thing would be an homage to Flash Gordon starring Harrison Ford, who was best known for being the guy responsible for the necessity of creating a "no

So much of what made Harrison Ford perfect to play Han Solo was that he didn't want to play Han Solo.

Joel is the best! Joel! Joel! Joel!

* Black Jeopardy was an inferior version (if not a ripoff) of the Chappelle's Show "I Know Black People" sketch, right down to the white professor of black culture. But I still laughed at "We would've accepted any answer."

i see where I would I come off that way. I suppose I'm directing that sentiment right at the people who said "Why is it called Drive when there's hardly any fast driving, why are they just staring at each other, what's the point?" That's a conversation I've had a time too many, I guess. But I'm basically a purveyor of

The entire point of the article that we're commenting on is that people didn't get it.

It inspired a class action lawsuit, so somebody sure didn't know how to process it. Imagine Fast And The Furious as what a modern car chase movie looks like, with absurd computerized impossible muscle car stunts every 10 minutes or so, meathead actors popping out clunker lines like quip machines, a soundtrack loaded

I love Drive, entirely on its own merits. I also love how polarizing it was, because it's a handy acid test for me. Smart people who can appreciate when a movie is unpredictable and challenging and also are fans of genre fare dig Drive. You really gotta "get it." And if you don't, stick to the Summer Blockbusters and

Good God, that was tense. Call me a ninny, but I was relieved that we got something like a happy ending. Rust crying at the end was great, it thoroughly humanized him. He was in danger of becoming a bit too impossibly chilly for the degree of suspension of disbelief the show had already established. When it looked

Nah, I love that guy. I'm glad I never met the real guy (who was actually a big dude with a mustache but Henry Hill said Pesci got him 95% right), but as a movie character, I think he's a blast.

Going in we were really laughing it up. "Oh man, we're gonna be soooo depressed!" I'll never forget my long walk from that house to my car afterward.

Yeah, that's a respectable viewpoint. I actually decided when I turned 25 that although I'm glad it exists and I've seen it enough to be very familiar with it, I would never watch it again. If movies can be like drugs, Taxi Driver is black tar heroin. It's not good for you. It does shit to your head. It's not for

I had a little group of friends once, we decided it would be fun to have a Taxi Driver/Bad Lieutenant double feature. We never hung out like that again, it destroyed us.

Unfortunately, the movie reflects some sad and scary realities, especially of the time. I doubt seriously that Paul Schrader is a particularly racist individual. Making all the "bad guys" white would've been pretty disingenuous. Besides that, the black criminals in the movie could be considered just doing what they

You could make a case that the entire movie was a mistake, but there's a scene in Attack Of The Clones when Obi Wan is talking to the bitchy librarian lady, and she goes to say her line, Ewan McGregor steps on it with his own, and then she repeats it. It's like something you would see at a dinner theater production or