What makes him illegitimate? Because you don’t like him? Tough shit, he won the election fair and square! Get over it! MAGA! 4 more years!
What makes him illegitimate? Because you don’t like him? Tough shit, he won the election fair and square! Get over it! MAGA! 4 more years!
That was a threat? Ya'll are a bunch of dipshits!
Let me get this straight, you are gonna call Fox News propaganda and not call out CNN or MSNBC? Give me a break! These are the networks that insist on calling Kavanaugh a rapist and Kanye a token negro! These are the networks that continue to push the hate Trump garbage for two years and counting. You know good and…
I like how you are open to intelectual debate. It goes well for a minute until you get to the haters who just start spouting off at the mouth because that dont really know anything. Two thumbs up for you sir.
What did we find out? He likes beer? I take it you believe all the false allegations even though there is nothing to back them up. I hope all the people that are so die hard that he is guilty are one day falsely accused. Due process baby. Thats what it is called. He earned his job. Now move on and get over it.
Hmmm... You sound a little salty. At that to me is more than a little funny. Get over it. Stop crying. What freedoms are being taken away?
Nice comment! Now we see who is the inclusive, tolerant people are.
The difference is one was a Supreme Court judge and the other a fucking baseball umpire! No reason for Scalia’s name to be in this story other than some dumb fuck trying to force his political thoughts on the readers. Want to write about politics then don’t write about sports! They do not mix.
Uh, why do you have to call him an “Italian” kicker? Sounds racist to me!
“Don’t let the contract stand in the way” means if you get offered $50 to play then sign it and go prove yourself. You people are stupid as fuck!