
If you don't get chills with that intro you don't understand rock n roll

Can't believe no one mentioned Stevie Nicks' Edge of Seventeen yet

Well if we're going into that I'll say the entire soundtrack of Twin Peaks

It's a testament to Sigourney Weaver's immense talent that the woman who played hard-ass Ripley also played the damsel in distress in Ghostbusters and the cold-calculated 80's boss in Working Girl. A real chameleon.

But I think by goosebumps they mean not in a scary way, in this article at least. If that was the case I'd say that fucking awful music from the shower scene in Psycho. Never fails to terrify me.

Depeche Mode's "Enjoy The Silence"
Adele's "Hometown Glory"
The Zombie's "Time of the Season"
Urge Overkill's "You'll Be A Woman Soon"
Smashing Pumpkin's "1979"

That song is beautiful but I can't dissasociate it from the creepiness of that scene.

Fuck I'm glad someone feels the same for Radiohead's "All I Need". I feel it's the saddest, most haunting song I've ever listened to, I even cried a few times.

So what? The Big Mac has always been overrated, I'm in my late 30's and I can count on one hand the times I ate a Big Mac in my life. I've always been a Quarter Pounder guy

I'll assume that racist white people wouldn't pay a ticket to see this film so unfortunately the white people that might be positively impacted by it are probably the ones that are more educated and cultured…doesn't mean that education eliminates racism but you get the point, obviously in order to educate people they

Reading geeky white journalists writing about projects such as this and Luke Cage makes me slightly uncomfortable

We're not talking about a blockbuster superhero romp that it's meant as an escapist entertainment, you can't say this movie is not significant. It's not gonna change the country but it might definitely cause an impact on a lot of people, I just hope it doesn't widen the racial divide in the country even more. Black

I haven't watched it yet but why do I get a feeling that this film is not exactly going to help heal the racial divide that is happening in America right now? Does Nat Parker really believe that a film that shows black men and white men killing each other senselessly is a positive thing in this fucked up 2016? I would

Sometimes I feel that people who praise Suspiria never really watched it…or maybe watched it ironically.

I loved American Idiot. There! I said it!

There are loads of black cops…

The government should start a campaign to draft more minorities into the police force. I think that's the only way profiling can go down, especially in the mid-West and South. They do the same shit for the military, don't they?

According to his Wikipedia page, "Chamillionaire joined Los Angeles-based venture capital firm Upfront Ventures in early 2015". So apparently he is becoming a Chamillionaire indeed…he should give some of that money to Weird Al, since he inevitably helped him cement his place on pop culture.

Whatever happened to Chamillionaire?

Are you trying to say that Superstar is not one of the greatest (and saddest) songs of all time?